Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

I wouldn’t be so quick with that comment Boxty, there’s reports coming out of Nowlan Park of very high jinx in Times Square recently. Probably lead astray by those Limerick fuckers no doubt

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They’ll probably all be dropped by Cody for this.

Agreed, some lads just shouldn’t be let out in skinny jeans.

Leader still afraid to mention the elephant in the room

Laz just out of the cot and back to the limerick trolling. Don’t forget to take a break later.

Deflect and sweep hasn’t worked all week. I thought you were one of the smarter ones?

Stop Laz will ya, you’re killing me :joy:

You know things are really bad when the likes of @balbec start lashing out.

Lay off boys, there’s mental health issues at stake here.

Ok. I’ll ask @balbec to order a complete cessation due to the Glaway lads mental helath

I actually think you could be right.


My bad, sorry.

If you own the room and the elephant you’re entitled not to have it noticed.

He owns the LL? Holy fuck,George Orwell not Henry Martin should write the next book about Limerick

Sorry, there’s lots of elephants :elephant:

Big day for the Croom footballers the weekend .

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John Kiely laying down the law

You dick