Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

another Nash/Dempsey link up…

that looked a nasty ankle injury for dempsey

Scoreboard in the LITGG has been more of a rough estimate than an actual score today

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would you blame them… 1-32, anymore and they’d run out of places to put them

Woop woop cc @backinatracksuit cc @gilgamboa


Limerick looking good, very early days obviously…but the hunger is there


The hurlers walked all over the cunts.


Limerick barely in second gear and have destroyed cork.


How many points from play did cork get I second half? Mostly frees they were getting

Good to have two trophies in the cabinet already and it not even halfway through January. Jaysus that second half was pure one way traffic

David Dempsey and Barry Nashs performances really pleased me. Two great lads and if they’re back to their best, both will really push for a starting place in the summer.


They only got 6 in total second half.

2 days ago you were claiming Cork had us figured out :smile:

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I’d go as far to say that that was David Dempsey’s best ever performance in a Limerick jersey. I wasn’t sure he was capable of that level of performance, he really put himself about, work rate was dacent.

Mulcahy was superb too, again the work rate is just out of this world. And Lynch can be magical.


Did he walk off after the injury. It looked potentially bad

Time will tell come championship. Tonight is merely enjoyable but in the grand scheme of things means little. I also didn’t say cork figured us out. I said Kilkenny did and possibly cork.

Looked like he ran it off, I’d say he’ll be okay.

Lynch turned over an amount of ball with bad touches and bad passes

But he also won an amount of ball he had no right to win and got fellas out of trouble on so many occasions.

His ability to keep a ball in a ruck when outnumbered 3 to 1 is different class. Little things like that win you games.

Agreed, he needs to work on the stupid things though. He tried 4 or 5 jab lifts when they weren’t on tonight and lost the ball. Sometimes you just need to bend the back and rise it.

DOD was weak tonight I thought

DOD was poor in the first half, I thought. But he was much better in the second half (as you would expect, considering we ate them alive). He is still probably the best player for delivering a quality ball into the full-forward line but his touch let him down at times.

To be honest, although we did a lot of things really well, a lot of fellas did plenty poor too. I thought both Morrisseys were poorer than they were against Clare. Byrnes mixed the good and the bad too. Even Dempsey, who was superb, made a few questionable decisions. Gillane missed a couple of chances you’d fancy him to get.

Reidy was very good, I thought; very impressed with his physicality.