Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

I know, I said he made his debut in 2017.

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What did he drink? Heineken? Are ye great friends still?

No I wouldn’t know him overly well. Seems like a nice fella.

I’d say you love a good ol technicality

You said he didn’t play in 2017. He did play in 2017. You were wrong. It happens please stop making a tit out of yourself.

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I’ll most likely be talking to him during the week, I’ll ask him does he remember having a pint with an unhinged curly foxy coke head type who was after gate crashing Barry Nash’s 21st


I don’t have curly hair lad so he probably wouldn’t. He was with Paudie ahern too. An awfully sound fella.

Flanagan made his debut in the 2018 Munster League.

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Yes he did.

In 2017.

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Thank you good Sir.

@Breaking_my_balls is having another break down over this fact.

Get another 50 posts arguing this please lads

it’s enjoyable watching @breaking_my_balls meltdown.


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I’m bailing out of this one. Could get ugly and I’ve a glass of wine taken

In what 2017 competition did Seamie make his debut in?

I don’t think the forum can move on until we settle when Flanagan made his debut tbh


Watch league Sunday

The 30th of December. The day before barry Nash’s 21st.

was it a challenge match?