Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

That’s the panel Named from 2016. Not too much turnover since then. Is Steve Cahill still in Australia?

17 of that panel are no longer on it.

Ya true pretty much all the starting team is there though bar Gillane. I counted 21 still in the squad.

A lot were just out of 21 tho in 2017. I dont think we’re at a point where we need a massive injection of new blood — I think you’ll see a few from this years 20s get called up next year tho.

I didn’t say we did just a passing comment it’s very settled. I think we’d a 37 man squad last year and about 25 of those were listed on the panel from 2016. I can’t think of too many out side the box type lads you could call up. I was thinking Kevin o Brien and Sean o Brien would be in it but both have been around the panel. One fella that always catches the eye is Ballybrowns ross Griffin.

Ronan lynch would be on most panels in the country

Theres a very good reason as to why he’s not on the panel. He has the talent of course.

Stephen Cahill is still in Oz, suffered a bad eye injury a few months back.

What is the reason?

Fuck off you nosey Cork cunt.


Curious here, what’s blocking his path?

John Kiely.

Ross Griffin is talented but he struggled to make the Ballybrown starting team last year. Shane Kenny was by far Ballybrown’s best player last year but the step-up to intercounty is huge.

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This was remarkably easily done

I’d give griffin a good chance of stepping up. He’s very good in the air and that’s a huge plus at senior level. You are correct about kenny he’s a fine but would struggle at senior inter county level.

Don’t fucking start

No idea kid . And couldn’t give a fuck

Do you know who’s playing who in the first round?

Am I blind or are these fixtures just not on the website?

Just doesn’t rate him/prefers others or something more personal?

Option C.