Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

It was not made clear if it would be in operation for the U21 B Quarter Finals this Wed evening.

I’m reliably informed that the players passes and spectators tickets have not yet been emailed out to clubs (as was said could and would be done) for tomorrow evening’s games. This is causing some hassle for club secs.

It’ll be like Warwickshire where you have to pay the entrance fee to play in the county final :laughing:

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All this kerfuffle about arranging the dispersal of 80 tickets per club is surely embarrassing reading. How difficult can it be? Haven’t you mugs not got phones of some sort… Dreadful…

Got them this evening as far as I know. I know of one club giving them out tonight

I know of one club who requested them this morning and still haven’t gotten them.

Farce either way. Some dose being a club sec at the moment

Are you serious?

@Big_Dan_Campbell Limerick have announced an online season ticket for €100 which gives access to all streamed games.

It’s a bit saucy and I think a weekend ticket would work better.

Is it just €100 so they don’t have to refund anyone who bought the club season ticket prior to lockdown I wonder.

@Copper_pipe get onto our man and see can he find a stream of limerick GAA TV :joy:

It’s possible alright but he wouldn’t be making any money off it.

If enough of us chipped in with 10 or 20 he might be tempted…

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To get the value off it you’d have to watch more than 12 streamed games.
How many games will they be showing each weekend? There’s probably not too many who would watch the football.

If you have a club season ticket, do you get this for free? It didn’t see that on the link, I don’t think?

They sent out an email over the weekend with a link, that lead to a reply of email. I emailed with my details and they said the logins will be sent out by Thursday

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Surely or you are due a refund?

Being honest I’ve changed my mind I’m not sure club gaa should be going ahead. I presume for the majority of clubs they can’t run fundraisers. No gate receipts either. Will the costs of running clubs come down much? I’m not sure. If sponsors can’t go the games will they keep sponsoring the teams? A lot of people have been hit. I hope all these spoofers of trainers that are fleecing clubs for training Fees don’t get a penny anyway.

I don’t know why but it just seems a little pointless to me if spectators can’t attend.

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It also appears once somebody comes in contact with somebody with covid the thing is pulled up for two weeks. Will this not make it impossible to play off championships?

Pretty sure that the reason most if not all counties are running off championships without promotion/relegation is that if a team has a player/players who contract covid they will be pulled from the championship and it will continue without them as opposed to delaying it.

Is not just pointless then? It’s going to cost the same amount of money if not more to run off games. There’s going to be little fundraising done and nobody can go to the games.

Most will have promotion but the safety net of no relegation.

How much will he want?