Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Glas I’d say - he’s always at it.

I bet it wouldn’t have been flagged if it wasn’t Limerick eh

Gillane called to the house too I see :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

They won’t get away with that.

I’d say the first bit of writing might have been a bit of an exaggeration ? - the video seems to be just after he got his hiding and I dont think he’d be chatting away with a fractured skull and broken jaw … bad bastards anyway whoever they were.

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Making a video is the last thing I’d be at anyways.Cowardly enough carry on if that’s what happened. They had plenty of time on the pitch to give him a dig,man to man if they wanted to.

Take that story with a large dose of salt. Severe injuries no doubt and hopefully the fellow makes a good recovery. There was no question of a group involved in the incident.

If this gets out and turns out to be true(I wouldn’t doubt bomber) they’ll pull the plug on games in limerick.

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Sweep sweep

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What harm its all outdoors. People need the enjoyment

We are governed by people with no back bone.


Martin didn’t know the 200 people included players up to last week.

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There might have only been 20 people at the game

Plenty sore bodies after it too. Especially on the Tour side.

Ya just heard there it’s pretty much bullshit.

what happened so?


He’s the biggest ball hopper I know. You can literally believe nothing he says :smiley:

That said I would believe the West Board would do that, and whats worse it probably “most” more to take the gate than what they actually took in.

A spoofer of the highest order :sweat_smile:

Gas man though

I hope it doesn’t come back to bite them anyway for all they are doing nothing wrong but it’s all about optics nowadays.

I can’t wait


How are so many illiterate cunts let near any public-facing media nowadays