Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Intermediate Hurling. Na Piarsaigh, three point win over Effin in Bruff this evening.

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What did he get? Half of the 21?

Not sure of the exact number but close enough he was on frees.

Effin now into a relegation battle with GranaghB and only have themselves to blame. They got off to an appalling start. They had no luck at all. Post, crossbar, lucky saves, loads of wides. It was after the water break before they settled but were still down 12-4 at half time.

They were the better team on the resumption and had it back to 3 or 4 points for most of the second half. They kept going for goal when points were on and probably threw away at least a draw.

Na Piarsaigh has ex-senior players Alan Dempsey and Cathal King back from injury and didn’t miss half backs O’Brien and Kennedy lost to the seniors the previous week.


How old is Cathall King. ??

Must be 32 or 33.

Yea, 33 this year at some stage.

Only a matter of time. Hopefully they’ll test the rest and he’ll be an outlier. Don’t see why you have to close the field or the rest of the club for that matter. Unless he was spitting in the underage teams faces or something

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Every pitch is loaded with teams this weather trying to catch up or get ready for games

Which he presumably had no interaction with. I mean any team he played with or was involved with, then absolutely shut them down until tested. But he isn’t plutonium. His very presence didn’t infect the pitch.

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The intriguing thing is I was told of this potential case last week :thinking:

Sure Brenda on Facebook had it last December

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Theres another sport club on the northside of the city with a case too :speak_no_evil: not gga

Shannon Rugby Club?

On the money. Rats

And… the game(s) he played were not even in Claughan

Yeah, that bit doesn’t make sense to me either. I get that you don’t want to spread it but as long as he and people who were in contact with him stay away, I don’t necessarily see the need to stop the U-10s from training.

Presume it’s just overcautious while they try to assess the situation.

Some people have lost the plot though. I stayed in a hotel with the missus recently and she was fucking spraying everything in the room with Dettol ffs. Even after she’d cleaned them the 1st time. Zero logic. Just clean, sanitise, kill the evil virus which magically appears on every day items which have not come into contact with anyone since you last fuckin cleaned them… Christ :see_no_evil:

In many clubs there’s an overlap of lads through teams, especially in admin, brothers father, etc. But yeah, the GAA don’t say you need to shut down, but I imagine the temptation to do so is unrale.