Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Noreen is in charge of the camps Im told

I suppose getting the shit beaten out of you in a Munster Final can do that to you.

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Does your “salt of the earth” builder mate go there?

The ones that hadn’t fucked off with twenty minutes to go.

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Jeez the Rock was very complimentary to us on the AI preview podcast. Said we’d a great year and carried ourselves well. Hoggy baaii said we were the best team in Ireland but just got caught by the Cats. Can happen. Looking forward to next year already. Best wishes to the big two in the final.


+1 always enjoy them as can’t go to to hardly any of these games, great there’s actually still some decent sports discussion on the site. Keep it up @Aristotle


@Aristotle is a superstar.

Ye fuckin love the oul pat on the head.


Like you get from your Limerick in laws.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Like TFK on a grand scale, Carkies saying nice things about their neighbors and getting nothing but abuse in return,
I just don’t know…

Who did Gil say something nice about?

He loves Limerick, sure he’s up here more than most of the ‘locals’ on here, married one of the women and all

Bit of light hearted banter though and it gets serious very quick :smiley:

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Go where mate?

They are mental cases on here. New money. No class

He is alright. 8th to top most posting poster in the thread even. I don’t think he’s said anything nice though. Some lads are too insecure to speak positively about other teams.

At least he’s not as obsessed with us as Tossy though :grinning:

Senior B
Ballybrown 0-15 Garyspillane 0-7 HT

HT in Kilmallock.

Glenroe 0-10
D/B 0-06

No scoreboard in operation in Kilmallock.
No green and white flags at either goals.

Are you at UR ?

Historically @gilgamboa and I wouldn’t have seen eye to eye on many things . The cunt has grown on me on recent times tho… Far from the worst.

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