Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Na piarsaigh were missing two of the most decorated club hurlers in the history of Limerick hurling and bate the clean bollix off them.

Doon are watery


Aw it is yeah, but no team loses a player of Dec’s quality without some drop-off. I’d trust Dan to hold the middle, to organise and sweep when needs be and to do the simple things right.

I think it’d have to be Nash alongside him rather than POL, just to give another distribution option.

I wouldn’t say they are watery but a few of them tonight were appalling . There are sone great kids there and they will get better . DOD and RE were savage losses and Na P could sustain the 2 boys let’s be honest it was a lot tougher for Doon .

The gap between the teams in S&C was huge .

They’re watery as fuck. They didnt draw a belt tonight

I would have Nash ahead of POL for legs first and foremost .

Men against boys. Credit where it’s due to NAP management team

They were blown away tonight . Watery had fuck all to do with it .


They were physically bate up and down the field and they didnt fight back. They quit out on the pitch and let na piarsaigh do as they pleased and didnt raise a hurley in anger.

That’s fucking watery. I’m not talking about cleaving a lad for the sake of it either. They just let na piarsaigh walk all over them with no resistance.

Yeah, I’d agree. In fairness to POL, while he is a good man to get forward from wing-back, the timing of his runs is excellent; Nash is definitely someone that the opposition wing-forwards would have to worry about getting up the pitch too and it adds a different dimension to our game. Running down blind alleys still the concern.


Would agree. Grand NaP performance but Doon offered absolutely nothing in attack.

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They didnt fancy getting hit by wod and mike casey it’s as simple as that

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A few of them failed to stand up tonight and show example to the young lads . If they what you are referring to I take your point .

Their 2 real leaders were out tonight .

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Josh Ryan did OK in that regard for Doon but they did a fair amount of waving at high balls being dropped in for a finish. They were always going to come off second best in the physical stakes with the lads they were missing in fairness.

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Hard to pick out MOTM tonight from na piarsaigh WOD CK CB PC AB TG RL very solid and showed great leadership

Who’s in the panel instead of him.He seems like a natural 6 if Hannon was/gets injured

Good athlete but hands not quick enough for IC

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I would imagine that Dan and WOD are the backup choices for Hannon currently

Both useful - I’d have WOD ahead of Dan personally - but having either there completely changes how we attack and blunts us significantly I fear.

Brown needs to touch base with Teagasc.

He’s a slower version of Hannon.