Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

I got the sense that even the officials were happy with that.

I could see Sexton scratching his head when the goal dropped in, wondering how he could disallow it.

We rarely win when he’s on the blower.

Ah stop will you. Ye were beaten fair and square.

He looks like Mario brothers when you hold down the B button. The stride doesn’t get bigger, the feet just move a lot faster. Sees him skin fellas for pace when they seem within decent distance of him.

You’re not far wrong… NaP had to work way harder for their frees … NCW got a few soft one second half of normal time you’d have to say,

We were. We’re a B team and it showed. NCW got their tactics spot on. We were never going to have a stand out back capable of holding their best two forwards. If we had he’d be playing senior. They didn’t do it all the time but when they did it worked. They isolated out full back inside and hit in long balls down on top of the full forward. Then they’d revert back to a normal three man full forward line formation. So it was very hard to counteract.

I haven’t seen many tactics around this year for one reason or the other. But this one worked I think. If our early chances has gone in and we’d pushed ahead then NCW would have had to go to plan B.

Not the end of the world for us of course but you’d feel sorry for some of the older lads.

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The one where their full forward backed into our goalie inside in the small square was particularly soft.


Yeah my fuckin heart bleeds for them


Did Sheppard play Intermediate at all this year?

Picking up medals as subs isn’t everybody’s cup of tea. I don’t see where your bitterness is coming from.

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Fuck NAP

I saw him listed in the subs earlier on in the year but never saw him play. He was in the stand yesterday.

Never a truer word said.

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Sure they were only playing Pats?

Why are you shouting

not right though? very reckless behaviour

he plays hurling with another city club to narrow it down

You rat.

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no one else think it’s not right?

Snitches get stitches