Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

No one gives a fuck about Pat’s or claughan. You’re grand

true but what about johnny murphy he was ref

would be a loss

Ah, they only put out that rumour so that lads wouldn’t tackle him hard.

Sure you couldn’t play a lad who’s just back from Spain. He’d be bloated with the drink, scalded from the sun, and barely able to walk like Dwight York.

can be thrown out if appealed but wont be an appeal

morally wrong but such is life

two good semi finals in intermediate hard to call

Seamus Hickey got injured after after Croagh’s second group game, hasn’t played since. The only game I saw him in was against the Well, he played ok but didn’t stand out, as such.

Croagh/Kilfinny vs Doon now on in Fedamore this coming Saturday at 3pm.

Jesus ye’re taking this very badly.

I think he’s due to be back but Doon will be tough out. A lot of senior experience in their ranks in the like of Eddie Kiely, Brian McPartland, Cathal Mac, Paraic Ryan, John Hayes, Diarmuid Cummins. I’d say all of them played senior in 2019 even. Add in young fellas from their 21s like Chris Berkery, Dubhan O’Grady, Bob Purcell; if Croagh/Kilfinny struggle with one thing, it’s physical teams and that’s why Hickey is important for them.

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I wonder if many of the Doon juniors play with Oola?
They would potentially have a senior semi on the Sunday.

Just as it was no surprise that The Well beat Castletown, it’ll be no surprise if Doon beat Croagh. Mungret ran Croagh very close

Not actually a massive crossover: the two O’Gradys would be starting and I know Bob Purcell has been togging too.

English & DOD must be huge losses for them though.

Bob didn’t tog in round one.

Anybody else see William O’Donoghue interview the weekend? He said he didn’t like having their hunger questioned. Interesting enough stuff from him. Was he reading this forum,?

I’d question Limerick’s hunger … They’ve gone backwards under Kiely and it appears to be a lack of hunger.


That Will O’Donoghue looks like a man with no hunger at all. Are you listening Will?


Very evident they are content to just live on past glories, Ala Clare 2013


Hon Limerick!

We’re going to do it.

Hon Croagh.

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He’s a hungry young fighter. Actually, he’s fighting for a sandwich.