Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

I’ve a springer spaniel as home, his biggest problem is that he’s absolutely devoted to both my youngest daughter & and myself he can’t make up his mind who he wants to be with, he’s always in a quandry as to whose lap he’ll lie on when we sit down in the sitting room.
Anyway we arrived home from 2 week holidays last month and he went crazy with excitement that we were home, almost hurt himself running into doors and furniture as he wagged his tail manically and tried to jump up to lick and both my daughter and myself even though we were in different rooms,he knocked furniture as he ran from room to room he was so excited we were back,he even peed himself which he’s never done before.
I smiled to myself as he reminded me of the Limerick supporters after they managed win this year, running around soiling themselves and knocking off of furniture as they screamed into everyone’s faces ‘we won’ ‘we won’ ‘you have to respect us now’
Look it kid, if it’s a pat on the head and a compliment in a reassuring tone you want we can do that.

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It took almost a month but the bile and bitterness is slowly sleeping through now. Marvellous.

It’s going to be a glorious winter. :slight_smile: :pint:


They say a dog reflects his owner.

You were running around chasing your tail, pissing the floor telling everyone in panted breath how much damage Tipp were going to do to Limerick.

You went off to lick your wounds then but came out barking before every game Limerick played, only to get a kick up the hole every time.

Now you’re here you might as well gimme the paw, you pup.




Replace the words ‘springer spaniel’ with ‘brother’ and then re read your post. It more accurately describes the incest normality of where you’re from

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It’s absolutely fascinating to watch. The best thing is it seems largely unprovoked.

That’s what happens when you’re top of the pile kid.

You left the dog at home for 2 weeks?

I’d say the poor cunt got some boot up the hole on the 19th of August.

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There must have been shit and piss everywhere,the dog probably left a fair mess as well.


Sexface to Massey. Back of the net.

Said in the style of Marty Morrissey

Pats well beaten by Oola for a finish last night. Looks like one of the two city sides will go down unless NAP can spring something

A complete and utter bitch slap to @Brimmer_Bradley.


The Limerick lemmings. All for one and … one for etc

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Here mate, I’ll save them the bother


They’re like sheep. If one of them put up an image of a dead cat they’d knock each other over to hit the like button.
I’ve never ever seen such needy winners in any competition.
It’s almost like they know it was a once off fluke year but they want everyone to join them and say it was a classic year and the best game ever, mad for validation even though they know deep down in their hearts that it was a 2013esque year.

Woof Woof



You can’t say that mate, hold on now
image :pint::pint::pint:

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Do we need a special ‘cup watch’ thread ?
They love following it around so they do, they’d be twee roasters like that.

Now the Cork know it all with the wife who can’t drive is seething too, completely unprovoked?! :laughing: Ah this is better than I’d ever thought it would be, this is just beautiful to watch unfold! :sunglasses:

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1 in 45 years = invented the game
Back door.