First post… Yessss!

Fixed the title for you mate
@anon32894817 - it was just a friendly in reply to your like … i’ll unblock in due course.
I’ve been threatened online … can the guards do anything about this?
T’internet is serious business, as well you know
I’ve been threatened online … can the guards do anything about this?
Report him to yahoo?
cc @BenShermin
I can see the guards getting involved here
You are in big big trouble now @Robert_Emmet
T’internet is serious business, as well you know
It was a shoddy hatchet job he tried to do on @anon32894817, you dont attack a mans internet persona in such a haphazard manner. You end him with one blow or you don’t swing at all.
Are they bringing the trophy to Tipp again?
I wouldn’t mind only it was not an accidental misquote he done it on purpose.
All year hopefully …
I wouldn’t mind only it was not an accidental misquote he done it on purpose.
It was wicked, I was shaken to my core reading it.
Probably should have blocked me on linked in first.
Do I have one of those?
Surely announcing a homecoming in Askeaton?
We have @Breaking_my_balls on our side.
remember if you have his he has yours.