Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

I recall that his feile skills win was announced on the tannoy in Thurles at half-time of the second leg of the 2007 trilogy to a large cheer from the Limerick supporters. The last 10 minutes of the game generated another round of cheers as we mugged off Tipp & Babs once again when they thought they had us bate.
We never feared Tipp.


Why are you replying to your own post?

Yeah, and ye have really driven onwards and upwards since 2007ā€¦

SLR has made contact with me.

Itā€™s gas though, because Tipp have always feared Limerick. They always get very worked up, anxious and afraid of their shit heading into Limerick games as they know on any given day Limerick can rise up and put them back in their box. Tipp fellas will be blowing away but then leading up to the match and on the day they are quiet as mice as they are afraid weā€™ll decide to beat the shit out of them. Even bad Limerick teams can and do turn up in disarray and beat their supposed good teams. You see it again here the insecurity of them, thereā€™s been three or four Tipp fellas posting ad nauseam the last few days in glee because we are having a few issues and suffered a recent setback. Come the week weā€™re down to play them they will be nowhere to be seen again, afraid of their shit.

Thereā€™s a couple of sure things in life - Death, Taxes, and Limerick never fearing Tipp.


Ah lovely. :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Fucking hell :smile:


The rants in this thread are top, top class.
Well played everyone.

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Donā€™t worry about tip, they are heading towards another year of winning nothing.

On a serious note, the stress seems to be negatively affecting their manager, apparently he is only 45 :open_mouth:

I wouldnā€™t say thatā€™s stress, probably just due to the savage bad Tipp diet with ham/bacon/pork as the centre piece of daily eating.

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Most of your team is about two stone overweight


:joy::joy::joy::joy: :fries::hamburger::cake::icecream::doughnut::beer::beer::beer:
The Limerick diet.

Their diet wouldnā€™t be great.

Hopefully this man will be ok.

Wow, just noticed the number of tip natives posting on this thread all day today.

Hope you guys take a few tips and improve your unhealthy diet.


Youā€™re incredibly tedious. I can take these muldoons on myself. Take the night off.


The Jurgen Klopp of Hurling management. The Limerick job might be too big for him though.

No calm after the storm yet. Panic station big time. But some warranted. To be saying we are in for a right clipping is maybe over the top. Iā€™ll wait for the dubs game but improvement is needed in selection tactics and cutting out bullshit. If hickey continues to to brilliant and then the glory he must be hauled off. Gavin needs to start in the backs. Byrnes needs to hold or put him to 5 with either Wayne or r lynch at 6 with cover from midfield which has been touted could work. Just a bit more cuteness but seems to be lacking on the line. I know its tuf but optimism for me for now,

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Post of the year.

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Is that too late