Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

Didnā€™t abbeyfeale have a rugby lad playing for them last year? Hadnā€™t played football in years and managed to make the Limerick senior football squad this year?

Catmelojen altogether.

Iā€™m not positive but havenā€™t both of the last centre backs on the Munster 21 winning sides been from kildimo? For small area theyā€™ve produced a nice few decent hurlers.

Players whoā€™ve made a decent contribution to the senior team?
No they havenā€™t .

He knew what he was faced with playing with a team who have mastered mediocrity so moved to a proper club.

Anyway what has that got to do with anything? Ballysteen askeaton is 5 times bigger than kildimo and hasnā€™t produced a hurler of senior club standard in the last few years?

Weā€™re shite at hurling and football, tis all the one really.


Yes but at least the big hurling clubs in Limerick are well run and can compete at national level. The same can not be said for the Limerick football clubs. They are an absolute mess. Even drom/broadford who have won 6/7 county football championships since the turn of the century are dog shit underage and are seemingly more focused on hurling now.

Youā€™re the one preaching about clubs not producing players. Look at your own doorstep first. For a supposedly hurling only parish ye donā€™t produce much. Iā€™d also wager the boundary of Kildimo/Pallas parish is nearly as big as Askeaton/Ballysteen parish.

Were they not beaten in the U21 final a couple of years if remember correctly?

Iā€™m not from there but I do no a lot of people from there. I no nothing about Pallas but kildimo has produced decent hurlers regularly over the last few years. Itā€™s a small village with no new estates or anything. Iā€™d imagine the population of askeaton town is bigger than Pallas and kildimo combined.




Iā€™m not too sure but seems from going by here and the other forums theyā€™ve completely turned attention to hurling. Which is absolutely bizarre.

No new estates? Like the new 30 house estate that was built right in the middle of the village ?

Try 60ish

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Didnā€™t kildimi make a munster junior football final lately

Well itā€™s been a while since ive been there. Either way this is completely irrelevant. The big clubs in Limerick football are absolutely farcical. They consistently struggle to field underage teams that is Limerick football is mess. The manager of the senior team was actively telling lads not to be playing club hurling last year. The minor management regularly organised games to clash with under 21 club championship this year again by all accounts. Then youā€™ve ex players moaning about the county board the whole time and the minute they manage a win they have jibes at the hurling squads Thatā€™s why Limerick football is in the pits. It says it all when the best young footballer in the county who comes from a senior football club/junior a hurling gives it up to be a squad player for the hurlers. Even someone like john riordan who hadnā€™t an arses roar of making the hurling squad was prepared to give up football to take a chance with the hurlers.

They donā€™t really play football in kildimo but there probably the only Limerick club to make it to a Munster club football final in the past 15 or so years?