Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

SSSSHHHHHHH!!! Iā€™ll PM you later when I get confirmation. My Source has gone to ground. There appears to be a closing of the ranks.

I called this three weeks ago.

Pallasgreen beat rathkeale? How did this happen heard pallasgreen are missing 8 lads from last year.

They scored more id guess.

Thought rathkeale would win handy enough

Pallas also only had 14 men and played against the breeze for the second half.

That said playing with 14 men is probably an advantage to Pallas. They wouldnā€™t be used to having 15 on the field.

How dare you speak to LimerickWest like that you little fucking upstart cunt.

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I logged on to Hoganstand for a look thereā€¦ about 200 posts in 10 days and lads blaming everything from the Co. Board, TJ, the players and lads not supporting the team on the internet for the diaster that is Limerick hurlingā€¦:grin:

This was a lovely little post thoā€¦ Hip and Whip brigade, look away now.

Itā€™s all mesmorizing! The displays, comments, and opinions. But the lack of understanding most of all.
Iā€™m not a great fan of TJā€™s but letā€™s face it, thereā€™s little point in changing horses mid-stream! Weā€™ve been changing managers in Limerick better than I change my socks since 1996. Doesnā€™t/wonā€™t work, as Iā€™ll try and explain herein.

Neither am I too big a big fan of whom is perceived as TJā€™s nemesis, a certain. Mr. Kiely (credit where it is dueā€¦great commentatorā€¦ and seems to be giving more balanced comment on our footballers more recently, credit where it is due), but this comment from his recent, erstwhile, interesting article, ā€œthey might consider forgetting such a [sweeper] system and going with what is traditional Limerick hurling.ā€

Iā€™ve been following Limk hurling for well over 40 years, and could Mr. Kiely or anyone else on here, please tell me what ā€œtraditional Limerick hurlingā€ is? What is it? If it is anything, or there at all, isnā€™t it something given our track record of success that we should be trying to avoid???
Yes, I can remember Grimes, Cregan, Hartigan, McKenna, Foley at no. 7 (Sean, btw), Enright, Liam Oā€™ Donoghue, Jimmy Carroll, and Ciaran (yes Iā€™m sure Iā€™m missing a few). But does a dozen truly great players constitute a tradition?

Itā€™s not a ā€˜sweeper-systemā€™ or ā€˜traditional Limerick hurlingā€™ that need to be put at logger-heads with each other. The key issue, and Iā€™ve mentioned this before is, intelligent hurling. We in Limerick are not intelligent hurlers. We simply do not hurl intelligently.

Go back the years, and even look at my list of names, how prolific forwards have we produced? Cregan could hurl anywhere, even corner-forward on ā€˜stupidā€™ teams. McKenna was an anomalyā€” (6 All-Stars in 3 different positions). But why havenā€™t we ever had good corner-forwards in Limerick hurlingā€”a la DJ, Seanie O Leary, Johnny Flaherty, Noel Lane, Jim Greene, Pat Foxā€¦? And I could name 30 more from every county bar Limerick. Hint: supply!

It is because we do not hurl intelligently.
In the modern game, you need to be able to combine, switch and swap, the sweeper system with intelligent stuff (15/15 (15/12), but what you nor I donā€™t need is to go back to ā€˜traditional Limerick hurlingā€™, because it doesnā€™t exist. Perhaps in Mackeyā€™s day (RIP) it did, but Iā€™m not in any rush to go grabbing a shovel. And if I were, Iā€™m sure a pen-pusher wouldnā€™t be of much assistance.

shoulderghost (Limerick) - Posts:667 - 25/04/2016 14:15:41 1849182

Jesusā€¦ :fist: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:

Shoulder ghost has conveniently forgotten Donie Ryan to prove his argument,
I thought traditional Limerick hurling was whack it??

Whack it - One man, one ball - Hip and Whip.

Tis all the one.

Let the ball do the work.

My primary school teacher never tired of saying that and he was a Limerick man, he was also a stickler for keeping your eye on the ball and used the story of Pat Hartigan losing the sight of his eye as an example of the terrible things that can happen, Jesus I would have ran through a wall for him, I nearly did once, he was a hard man, one day he was dropping us home from a match, for a gag he said he was just going to slow down passing my house, coming up to the house doing about 20 miles an hour I opened the back door and steeled myself, poor fucker nearly lost his life :grinning:

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Lads gone quiet

Nothing to reportā€¦not for you anyway, Iā€™ll save it for me.

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No harm for once Joeā€¦no news is generally good news re the Limerick senior hurling setup.

Waiting for the grass to grow up now.

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It should be shoulder high come mid June pal!

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7 weeks this weekendā€¦thereā€™s no fear of the long grass growing pal.

3 rounds of senior championship before it as well I believeā€¦ no harm.

Itā€™s all set up we are written off as a shambles after the league, discontent in the camp and a tactically inept managment on the sideline.Cork will beat Tipp in a shootout and will be praised and hyped for their resurrection only to walk into a punjabi stake pit that is the Gaelic grounds in the heat of an Irish summer, vindication yet again for Teege and the bandwagon will be kickstarted.So shall it be written so shall it be done.

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We can always dreamā€¦

A trip to Ibrox is more likely thoughā€¦Weā€™ll meet up for a pint either way kid.