Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

How many christians lads were playing mate?

Claughan are piss poor on their own bar 1 corner forward and their center back.

Dont know. Their keeper was very good and they had one forward who was good on frees and decent from play.

Will be in the relegation battle.

Jack Molyneux is a good hurler for them as well…they’re very limited otherwise…Giltenane still the go to man for Mungret I presume.

Fine hurler that lad.

Is the keeper jack banks, Willie Banks’ son? he was on the minor panel two years ago and won a Ryan with trinity last year.

No & No.

That’s twice in 2 days that you’ve posted about Blackrock despite lacking the rudimentary knowledge that their game v Feohanagh in this round has been postponed for 2 weeks.

Cop on to fuck and stop making a show of yourself.


Our junior a team could have beat em in the league. A sad state for either club never mind the two combined

Liberties fucked me for 100 yo yos today.
On the senior team, they haven’t got the forwards Clare have at the moment and minus Conlon and a fully fit fit Kelly and o Donnell…

Any chance at all of clarifying that in a language approaching English and explaining it’s relevance to the post of mine that you replied to, my friend?

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Not really bud. I’m the other side of the country so rely on you’re insight and @dodgy_keeper and @Breaking_my_balls on how games could go. I think ye predicted liberties (draw you maybe) and they fucked up my little bet. On the county team, after seeing the Clare forwards I was asking your opinion on how we are still behind… I’m also v drunk pal


Looking up the results on limerick site I see the monaleen game from next weekend is also postponed. Why are the games pushed out? It is usually impossible to get one moved.

There will be a further series of problems for round 3 on premier inter and inter which were scheduled to clash with senior and junior football games v Clare.

I’m assuming that the clubs agreed between themselves to move the games as that’s really about the only way that they’re ever changed.

Most of the games in the round at the end of May should be able to go ahead. Feohanagh will have Sean Flanagan involved with the footballers. Kieran’s will have Johnny McCarthy, but I can’t see a whole pile more affected. I’m not familiar with who’s on the Junior football panel but most of the games should be playable.

Monaleen requested a postponement next week as one of their management team has a child getting their communion/confirmation (was told last night but can’t remember which).

They approached G/B to see could it be put back to the following week who themselves were happy to accede to the request as one of their players wouldn’t have been around next weekend anyway.

Kildimo, pallasgreen, drom, feenagh, ncw, glenroe, cappamore

That is a ridiculous reason to put back a championship game. Surely there was more to it.

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Putting off a Championship match for a fucking communion/confirmation of a child of a fucking selector!!!

Ah lads!


Yeah, you’ll have Peter Nash from Kildimo/Pallas and young Fanning from Pallasgreen. Are the rest from the junior panel? Didn’t think Feenagh and Cappamore had anyone on the senior panel and I presume that Glenroe are affected by a Ballylanders footballer. All they have in the senior setup is Tom Lee and he doesn’t hurl.

Fools on here questioning me on my insistence that NCW would beat Feenagh :rollseyes:

Stick with me lads. A top top poster.

He’s gone from Ballylanders completely

You think Shane dowling is a top class forward :laughing: