Limerick People you despise

There were the provinces, but there were no counties at all in Ireland, itā€™s purely a British administrative invention and convenience. Not 100% sure, but think the outline of counties may have been based on church dioceses.

what are you jibbering on about you headcase

of course people know- its not the mystery of the pyramids.FFS

[quote=ā€œThe Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 810276, member: 80ā€]what are you jibbering on about you headcase

of course people know- its not the mystery of the pyramids.FFS[/quote]

Dreadful post

[quote=ā€œThe Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 810276, member: 80ā€]what are you jibbering on about you headcase

of course people know- its not the mystery of the pyramids.FFS[/quote]

The man asked a question that should be of interest to anyone either intelligent or Irish. You are neither, but donā€™t use it an excuse to be a boring cunt.

well if youā€™re not 100% sure why are you coming out with this broadside then on the internet?
hasnt beeen a good start for you has it, as a mod on here id like to remind you that your comments are easily traceable, your foul humour and libellous insinuations on the Celtic transfer thread are disgusting.
At the moment you are close to an infraction if this keeps up, i will be referring your posting to the mod team meeting next Monday night.
Cop on.

[quote=ā€œmickee321, post: 810304, member: 367ā€]well if youā€™re not 100% sure why are you coming out with this broadside then on the internet?
hasnt beeen a good start for you has it, as a mod on here id like to remind you that your comments are easily traceable, your foul humour and libellous insinuations on the Celtic transfer thread are disgusting.
At the moment you are close to an infraction if this keeps up, i will be referring your posting to the mod team meeting next Monday night.
Cop on.[/quote]

What was wrong with the post I made about the counties being a British invention that caused that rant. Donā€™t like the idea that the perfidious Brits drew the lines of your county? Itā€™s the uncomfortable truth, Paddy. And please point out what have I said on the Celtic thread that is libellous? Itā€™s just grand and dandy and a great laugh for a knacker who supports Celtic to smear an entire sport because of Orangeman Davy Tweed, but when I point there was a paedo scandal at every barstool republican knackerā€™s favourite bandwagon ( google Celtic Boys Club, Jim Torbett, Alan Brazil for the ā€œlibellousā€ accusation ) then itā€™s an act of treason. And another uncomfortable truth.

This place is for below-average intelligence scobes anyway. Fuck all discussion worth having with thick scrotes . If you are the class of lobotomised head-in-the-sand fuckwit that is a moderator, it says it all about the standard of this place. Couldnā€™t give a shit what you fuckwits do if I ruffle your feathers with some uncomfortable truths.

[quote=ā€œThe Savage Eye, post: 810634, member: 2051ā€]What was wrong with the post I made about the counties being a British invention that caused that rant. Donā€™t like the idea that the perfidious Brits drew the lines of your county? Itā€™s the uncomfortable truth, Paddy. And please point out what have I said on the Celtic thread that is libellous? Itā€™s just grand and dandy and a great laugh for a knacker who supports Celtic to smear an entire sport because of Orangeman Davy Tweed, but when I pointout that there was a paedo scandal at every barstool republican knackerā€™s favourite bandwagon ( google Celtic Boys Club, Jim Torbett, Alan Brazil for the ā€œlibellousā€ accusation ) then itā€™s an act of treason. And another uncomfortable truth.

This place is for below-average intelligence scobes anyway. Fuck all discussion worth having with thick scrotes . If you are the class of lobotomised head-in-the-sand fuckwit that is a moderator, it says it all about the standard of this place. Couldnā€™t give a shit what you fuckwits do if I ruffle your feathers with some uncomfortable truths.[/quote]

[quote=ā€œThe Savage Eye, post: 810634, member: 2051ā€]What was wrong with the post I made about the counties being a British invention that caused that rant. Donā€™t like the idea that the perfidious Brits drew the lines of your county? Itā€™s the uncomfortable truth, Paddy. And please point out what have I said on the Celtic thread that is libellous? Itā€™s just grand and dandy and a great laugh for a knacker who supports Celtic to smear an entire sport because of Orangeman Davy Tweed, but when I point there was a paedo scandal at every barstool republican knackerā€™s favourite bandwagon ( google Celtic Boys Club, Jim Torbett, Alan Brazil for the ā€œlibellousā€ accusation ) then itā€™s an act of treason. And another uncomfortable truth.

This place is for below-average intelligence scobes anyway. Fuck all discussion worth having with thick scrotes . If you are the class of lobotomised head-in-the-sand fuckwit that is a moderator, it says it all about the standard of this place. Couldnā€™t give a shit what you fuckwits do if I ruffle your feathers with some uncomfortable truths.[/quote]

When do you plan on giving some feathers a ruffle?

this guy sounds like an INTERNET heavyweight

Thatā€™s some HARD HITTING INTERNETTING by The Savage Eye.

[quote=ā€œThe Savage Eye, post: 810634, member: 2051ā€]What was wrong with the post I made about the counties being a British invention that caused that rant. Donā€™t like the idea that the perfidious Brits drew the lines of your county? Itā€™s the uncomfortable truth, Paddy. And please point out what have I said on the Celtic thread that is libellous? Itā€™s just grand and dandy and a great laugh for a knacker who supports Celtic to smear an entire sport because of Orangeman Davy Tweed, but when I point there was a paedo scandal at every barstool republican knackerā€™s favourite bandwagon ( google Celtic Boys Club, Jim Torbett, Alan Brazil for the ā€œlibellousā€ accusation ) then itā€™s an act of treason. And another uncomfortable truth.

This place is for below-average intelligence scobes anyway. Fuck all discussion worth having with thick scrotes . If you are the class of lobotomised head-in-the-sand fuckwit that is a moderator, it says it all about the standard of this place. Couldnā€™t give a shit what you fuckwits do if I ruffle your feathers with some uncomfortable truths.[/quote]

This sounds like kid battle cry of c seasoned key board warriorā€¦

All the lemons who queue patiently in the left hand lane of the dock road every evening. These people disgust me. They are weak, you know full well these people have never achieved anything worthwhile in life.

Queuing for what? Chips?

no queuing paitently in the left hand lane like chumps waiting for their turn at the lights. Meanwhile movers and shakers like me are zooming down the right hand lane and merging just before the lights as I am perfectly entitled to do.

so have you joined in with the cunts coming from every angle?

No, completely different part of the Dock Road.
I am in the correct lane in both instances.

[QUOTE=ā€œTreatyStones, post: 1093847, member: 1786ā€]No, completely different part of the Dock Road.
I am in the correct lane in both instances.[/QUOTE]

I thought you lived in Tipperary? What are you doing hanging around the Dock Road in the evenings?


I live in West Limerick.