Limerick People you despise


Maybe he will be of the view that jp has found some loop hole in the property tax rules or the non Dom levy

O’Leary and McManus are both legends in my eyes

They both think you’re a fool

Phil Reotardo, still cracks me up. To Mark Renton.

I’d like to put out a big’ hello 'out to JP then, ‘mate’, and tell him that unlike the cheaply bought bogmen in Limerick and/or the horsey trade, I regard him as a lowdown treacherous scumdog.

Read my signature and someone ban this Savage tard.


" There’s a little trinket for you, serf. Limerick hicks like you will continue to support me like the Cavan hicks supported Sean Quinn as long as I continue to throw out a few baubles to them instead of millions in tax to Ireland. Nay, the stupid bogtrotters will view me as their king or emperor even, it’ll save me a fortune. Now lick my shoes, peasant"

[quote=“The Savage Eye, post: 809607, member: 2051”]]

" There’s a little trinket for you, serf. Limerick hicks like you will continue to support me like the Cavan hicks supported Sean Quinn as long as I continue to throw out a few baubles to them instead of millions in tax to Ireland. Nay, they will view me as their king even. Now lick my shoes, peasant"[/quote]

Again, that makes no sense

Happy to oblige my friend :slight_smile:

But you’re as thick as puréed horsey poo, no wonder it goes over your head.

The darlings of the other counties all built their empires on sand, while the limerick man keeps getting richer. Being heralded as entrepreneurs and fearless business men for buying land and building houses on it. It’s easy to understand the jealousy from a county who’s greatest business man doesn’t have two red pennies to rub together.

Only the hicks of the likes of Limerick and Cavan can have their allegiances bought by cunts and fraudsters like McManus and Quinn.

In fairness your having a laugh - no county wouldn’t like a benefactor

Surely your country should come before any arbitrary county lines drawn up by a 17th century British civil servant? And McManus and Quinn are both cunts to their country.

Well the county boundaries have stood the test of time - don’t follow your point

Quinn couldn’t buy himself a packet of taytos

Local oligarch McManus has bought the goodwill of Limerick rednecks cheaply whilst not paying tax to his country. The Limerick rednecks view any benefit given by McManus within the lines drawn up by the British civil service 300 odd years ago as more important than the tax the treacherous cunt doesn’t pay to his country. The Limerick rednecks are treacherous cunt McManus’s constituency,his loyal subjects as it were,

Ok one of the Best things the Brits did was leave us with the county boundaries

Does anyone know how these boundaries were drawn up in the first place? Surely there was some sort of counties or boundaries before the Brits hardly plucked them out of thin air? The lines don’t seem straight enough for that. See the south western USA for comparison