Limerick v Cork, tits done now

Exactly. He will endlessly repeat that Dowling is only suitable to some role that isnā€™t competition to Flanagan and Gillane.

His harping on the Clare game is nonsense. Completely ignores the no shows from his favourite players and repeating the ā€œmaking the same runsā€ line until it becomes true. But, Dowling canā€™t make the runs as Flanagan, so how were they making the same runs? Curious. No one else picked up on this either.

We lose a lot by not playing Dowling. Flanaganā€™s two best games have been Galway in the league and Cork in the championship, scoring 5 in each. His position is definitely not in stone, but he might still continue to edge the calls.

For Cork Flanagan edges it for me, but only on the basis of his impact against them last time. And because Dowling is more guaranteed to have an impact on introduction.

I did of course, he played alright but his mistakes and poor use of the ball on a few occasions could have been the difference, heā€™s got mythical status around here.

weā€™re pretty fucked if Meyler finds out our entire gameplan revolves around Seamus Flanagan making a run out to the 50

How can you watch us play this year and genuinely think that? Our full-forward line have been class, weā€™re scoring for fun.

Iā€™ve never seen a Limerick team as free-scoring as this against strong opposition.

Massive agenda against Flanagan and west hurlers in general.

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He doesnā€™t have mythical status, itā€™s just that we have to go to great lengths to actually point out what he does for the team to those who want Shane Dowling on the team instead because (a) heā€™s from Na Piarsaigh and (b) the likes of you know who he is but havenā€™t a clue who Flanagan is. Glas is ridiculously biased on this. Flanagan is an important player to the team and too important to drop.

Shane Dowling and Peter Casey could very well win us the Semi Final v Cork, but theyā€™ll do so from the bench, and everyone in Caherdavin just need to accept that. Along with others who think a team should be picked on reputation and profile rather than what is best for the team


Ah yes, here we have it now :smile:

Subtle. HA! I knew what you were getting at so I specifically mentioned the pass by Flanagan. Its not economical.Yes we got a point. After two massive runs that were made. You are further helping to make my point. It takes a lot of energy to create those scores Richie Hogan had three points in the first 15 mins from within a 10 yard radius. Peter Casey got the first ball swerve of the bodyā€¦ Bang. Bang point. Second ball in the same result. They all count the same. Now which team do you think will get you furthest, The ones that have to run themselves into the ground to get a score or the ones that are economical?

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I donā€™t believe he has mythical status and he can certainly improve in his finishing, but his general contribution was excellent last Sunday.

The Flanagan v Dowling debate is like comparing apples and oranges. They may be nominally competing for the one position but are very different players. Flanagan is faster, Dowling is a more direct goal threat. Flanagan is more two-sided but Dowling has quicker hands.

What Limerick now have is a full set of forwards that keep a defence occupied. There are virtually three runners every time a ball is played forward. If you follow them you leave space elsewhere that will be hit. If you leave them off, theyā€™ll be targeted by the delivery. Itā€™s why Limerick take the extra couple of passes in the backs. They wait until all the forwards are moving before the ball is delivered. Itā€™s all done with the head up too - Hannon, in particular, has become very adept at it.

Anyway, the same team will start v Cork. No doubt about it.


Exactly but @glasagusban thinks they similar and can perform the same role bizarrely.

no you think he thinks that.

Like I said before youā€™re the only one with the agenda. The pro-west agenda.

debate only works when it goes both ways. You refuse to see anything negative in him and lash out at other lads on the same county panel when anyone does. Itā€™s not right.


I donā€™t think he does, to be fair.

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He said the difference between them is massively overstated. Even though they are completely different players.

Itā€™s not either or, this has been made up, he has mythical status, you canā€™t criticise Flanagan in any way here, you canā€™t give an honest appraisal of his performances which have been mediocre at best,
He does not have unique talents, heā€™s a decent inter county hurler but heā€™s got a long way to go, his mistakes on Sunday were nearly the losing of the game, if ye were honest enough and had lost the game youā€™d be pinpointing those goal chances (possibly points not taken) that were the most dissapointing thing in the Limerick performance.
I donā€™t give a fuck, I think itā€™s laughable to watch the budaan yer man has for him

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Why would I have a pro west agenda?

I donā€™t know you must have stocks in Seamie Flanagan or something


Personally, I donā€™t think Dowling is a full-forward at all. I was surprised we didnā€™t see Dowling in the Tipp match playing the role he did against Kilkenny. Thatā€™s what heā€™s good at.

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You are taking the point out if context. The point was what are we creating those chances for. If you create space in front of goal like that well you would expect that we should be driving into that space to create goals. We didnā€™t get any last Sunday so the question is why? Its because we lacked composure in front of goals. Morrissey and Casey didnā€™t when the chips were down.

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Jesus Christ, of course the goal chances would be pinpointed had we lost.

For someone who says they donā€™t give a fuck youā€™re putting a lot of energy into expounding the opposite.

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Hopefully he only wants to have stocks and not anything else in Sheamie