Limerick v Kilkenny 2’19

Cork didn’t show up, Limerick didn’t perform. Seems to be the default for the Munster myth machine

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2 cark lads in a discussion not involving cark agreeing with themselves on a topic nobody else is interested in.
Ye are very clannish and parochial and ye back each other no matter what.

We are, its our proudest trait

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Listen here to me you fucking waste of energy… Kilkenny were immense yesterday, I’ve said it multiple times. Limerick also didn’t perform, plenty of basic mistakes that were nothing to do with Kilkenny pressure. Anyone could see that, whether they’ve pulled on a ball in anger or not…

Of course you’ll use the loss to go against Limerick here because there’s way more edginess to it… You’re as predictable as you are boring. You can sell it as only the INTERNET but there’s a serious want in you. It’s always hatred, negativity, spitefulness and worse of all, you vindictively go after lads that are slightly vunerable or going through a bit of personal strife… Because you’re a horrid fucker. Despite your repeated attempts to suggest otherwise, you’re clearly not happy and carry an awful amount of deep-seated seethe and use this place to vent… That would be fine on it’s own if you weren’t such a vile bully beset on causing others hurt… Even though a recent episode here when a poster was displaying upset and being unstable you jump right on board for your own satisfaction.

I personally could take anything you have to say because I can see straight through you…youre a weak cunt, on every level… If I met you in real life I’d say you’re a little fanny and you’d shrink like the little coward you are.

Of course if I had a head like Rocky Denis and I had to pay for prostitutes on a regular basis to try build myself esteem, I’d be hate-filled also.

So why don’t you fuck off, you fucking fool… You’re detested by most here and despite being banned multiple times you still come crawling back… Why don’t you go talk to a Counsellor instead? You’ve been spewing your hatred for 8 years and it’s not changing anything.


Deary me, i think now might be a good time to take that dog of yours for a good loing walk.


Jesus that’s good manly posting right there. This has been brewing there was always one Limerick poster going to blow. I’m surprised its one of the casual supporters but a cracking high pull all the same.

Well done kid

Wonderful imagary being evoked here

Inportant to let that out alright. Very very dangerous sitting there all day wirh thar bottled up inside of you.

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Hopefully Brady wont get a kick in the hole with temper

Sometimes a rant followed by a cry does the world of good

Very little to do with the match and more so a lot of the stuff I pointed out…but if you’re happy to encourage him fire away… Brady is just in from a lovely run around and is curled up here in his wexford kit.

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Fuck I didn’t think choco would be the one to crack. Oi oi pal, only a game etc

This is early noughties internetting . Great stuff .


Hes rightly under your skin. Deep breaths

Kilkenny just happen to keep coming up against teams that don’t perform. That explains how Cody won them all Irelands. All 11 of them. Quite a run of luck when you think about it, I’ve never seen anything else like it

Da internet is SERIOUS BUSINESS!!!

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Typical Limerick trying to steal the limelight from the other semi final, you’d think they’d just take their defeat with grace and dignity and fuck off

Wow, just wow

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In fairness @anon61878697 has nailed it here, @HBV portrays a very disturbed individual. Posters egging him on need to cop on to themselves


If i am disturbed maybe its because @backinatracksuit falsely accused me of labelling him a paedo for sleeping in a tent with his childeren.
How would you cope with such a disgusting allegation hanging over you?