Lionel Andres Messi

Di Laurentis unmasked this financial skulduggery and poor old AS Roma were caught in the crossfire.

“Roma? They changed a lot and I don’t know if that’s good. I wouldn’t have sold Alisson, not even for €100 million. I had offered €60 million for him but Roma didn’t want to sell him to me," he said to Corriere dello Sport.

“I have the doubt that Roma and Liverpool have the same owner. I was told by somebody a few years ago and if it was true they would not be allowed to play the Champions League.”

All done in 6 seasons or 5 full seasons. This coming season will his 6th full season at the club. How time flies when you’re having fun (and winning major silverware on a meagre budget).

No he hasn’t. That was a factual error being peddled above. He’s overseen 5 full seasons at Liverpool, 6 if you include the year he took over a wreck from Brendan Rodgers in October of the 2015/16 season.

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He joined Liverpool in 2015.

2015, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21.

7 years.

  1. 2015/16*

  2. 2016/17

  3. 2017/18

4 2018/19

5 2019/20

  1. 2020/21

*1st year wasn’t a full season for Klopp

You’re counting a season which hasn’t even started yet in his stats.


Jurgen isn’t even quite 6 years at Liverpool yet. Not until October. Here’s to the next half dozen.

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7 years, a billion spent and one league title? Not a great return, really.

Ruh oh.

My word.




Inter don’t have the money.

No side in Italy can afford him so it’s PSG or England.

City will probably drop Kane for Messi now.

Kane will look like an awful mug.

PSG backers for the CL happy

Rosario ready to bust the bank to bring him back.

Graham Hunter (I know, I know) reckons it might be brinkmanship from Barca to get La Liga to sign a deal

I reckon it is too. The price of the tv rights will plummet if Messi goes. La Liga will relax the rules enough for Barca to keep him.