Lionel Andres Messi

A final fuck you from Pep to him

Messi is 34 now and on the wane. He must have made more money than his family will need for generations and his father pocketed all the agents fees into the bargain. He must be one miserable grasping fucker to want to keep wringing more money out of his career.

Wasn’t he done for tax fraud as well now that I think of it.


The Messis are basically the Terrys of Argentina.

Very dodgy family, his father is a crook who was convicted on tax evasion, his brother is some gangbanger who was caught with a gun that was linked to a blood stained boat. His mother attacked his ex girlfriend in the middle of an electrical appliance store.


Messi crew


I suppose at least he isn’t caught doing the dirt every 3 years

Messi is the greatest footballer in the world by a mile and only Diego and Pele are in the conversation for greatest of all time alongside him. Whatever he makes out of football, it’s not half enough compared to what he has given the game and the enjoyment and thrills he has provided to billions of people. And it’s definitely not half enough when you consider the dirty money sloshing around in the game, and the billions made by vultures outside of football. Players are right to extract every penny they can from clubs and sponsors while they can, which is not a long time. They’re what people pay to see, not Florentino Perez or some oil or gas sheikh.


Barca are saying today he wanted to stay. Apparently it’s some new league rule about finances means they have to sell him. He had agreed to a 50pc paycut to stay.

No player is bigger than one club. He’s bankrupt Barcelona. He’s a complete cunt.

Brazilian Ronaldo and even Ronaldinho better than messi

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If he plays a role in bankrupting Barcelona he can’t be too bad

How has he bankrupted Barcelona?

In 2006/07 Barcelona generated 290m in revenue. In 2018/19 Barcelona generated 840m in revenue. He bankrupted them alright by playing the largest part of anyone in tripling their revenue over 12 years


Barcelona & RM have rode roughshod over Spanish banks and regional governments for near on 20 years

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The Mythi fanboys in propaganda mode.

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So, what you’re saying is he’s from good stock?

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Sounds like an average week in the life of a Tyrone footballer, minus the Mickey Harte character references obviously.

Neymar will have to start doing a bit of running again

Mbappe will be off to Madrid. That’s classic messi. Strength a rival in real while weakening barca.

He also convinced aguero to sign and that ham from Roma.

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