Lionel Andres Messi


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That commentary is ridiculous.

Messi has delivered the Copa America. He has no more worlds to conquer.

Messi knows how he’ll be judged. He’s leaving it late to win that World Cup.

He’ll be as fresh as a daisy for it after sauntering round the french league …

He could be tired after a tough harvest in the preceding months.

Seems to have already fallen out with poch.

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Thats exactly why he is a winner.

You don’t want lads to be happy coming off. You want them to be fuming.

If he was a winner he wouldn’t be taking the easy option in France.

Silly, petulant comment

Messi is poison


If he’s not a winner there’s no winners anywhere

PSG is a difficult option. The only club where unless you win a CL the season is a failure

They didn’t even win the league last season

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He’s cowardly. If he was a leader he’d have gone to a proper club.

What’s a “proper club”

Juventus. A club that was relegated for fraud