Lionel Andres Messi


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Napoli is too honest a home for such a crook

I’m sure he’d love more.Maradona.comparisons in his life

Ronaldo fanboy culture warriors be cray cray.

Napoli are flying here. They don’t need him

Napoli couldn’t afford him.

PSG could afford him.

Ronaldo is playing for United for free.

A few United fans never got over the pasting Messi gave them in two European Cup finals.

Looks like Mythi up to his old tricks again.

That’s mental. Gigio is absolutely class.


Messi has destroyed soccer in Argentina. Spain & France

As Koeman said the other day Messi was the only thing holding Barcelona together.

A pity for all parties it couldn’t be worked out there

Barcelona couldn’t get him out the door quick enough

City dodged three bullets by snubbing Messi, Ronaldo and Kane.

3D chess. Naby is the one they really want

Pep’s PEDs might be what is needed to keep Naby fit

PEDs are for cyclists mate

Still no goal in Ligue 1?

Some cuntish shite coming out of him lately. PSG should run him