Live GAA on de Telly 2023 (No Discussion)

Full forward for Kingscourt didnā€™t get a mark there because the full back was holding both his arms and he couldnā€™t stick one up. Ended up being pinged for over carrying. :joy:

Marty Morrissey has done serious homework for this. Pronouncing crosserlough wrong

Extra time. Some awful naive football from both sides

Iā€™m not watching but Iā€™d seen earlier where this local nugget was going.
ā€œCrush her lockeā€ is the appropriate pronunciation.

Very few Gaelic football coaches realise the best way to play football is out wide

My missus father is from there. Itā€™s a bizarre enough way to pronounce to be fair its Krish-Law but all mashed together in a Cavan lilt

Is there no Extra time here ??

Kingscourt kicked 3 or 4 forty yard 50/50 passes from their full back line and they a couple of points up with minutes to go :see_no_evil:

I had assumed there would be. Strange

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Keeper poor there

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To be fair you wouldnā€™t be expecting a shot from there

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Anyone watching the Cavan final able to tell me why kingscourt lad wasnā€™t given a ā€œmarkā€ on the edge of the square near the end ??

Was watching without volume

Was there a foul on his man before the ball arrived ??There was a bit of wrestling .

The ball was kicked in from about 10 yards inside the 45, ref was spot on in not giving a mark


Ah good night. There isnā€™t a footballer in the country who could do that

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ā€œIā€™m grand, I kept him outside meā€


ā€˜Yerra fair fucks to him if he scores from there likeā€™

Iā€™ll let him have the point keep him out from goal

Shur heā€™s nathin to aim at dare

Some power in it. Keeper didnā€™t have time to flinch.
The standard of goal taking in football in general is a joy to behold.