Liverpool FC 2014/15

Il bomber atkinson

He brings it on himself.

Mario is a hero. Probably the greatest Italian striker in the last 20 years.

Super Mario has only just turned 24, which is around the same age Luis was when he joined. He’s already averaged just under one goal every two matches in his career to date, and if he only continues that strike rate, it’s still decent business, but I think that with good man management, which Brendan has shown he’s more than capable of providing, and the right environment, he’ll be a bigger success than that. We should get the prime years of his career.

Even if it doesn’t work, it’s only £16m, which is a pittance in today’s market. Weighing the potential upsides against the potential downsides, it’s a tremendous signing. The Liverpool support will be behind him from day one, and that will be a big help. Super Mario brings the excitement factor back, which neither Falcao or Cavani would have done to the same extent. It has the potential to be a Cantona to Manchester United-type signing.

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1004169, member: 183”]Super Mario has only just turned 24, which is around the same age Luis was when he joined. He’s already averaged just under one goal every two matches in his career to date, and if he only continues that strike rate, it’s still decent business, but I think that with good man management, which Brendan has shown he’s more than capable of providing, and the right environment, he’ll be a bigger success than that. We should get the prime years of his career.

Even if it doesn’t work, it’s only £16m, which is a pittance in today’s market. Weighing the potential upsides against the potential downsides, it’s a tremendous signing. The Liverpool support will be behind him from day one, and that will be a big help. Super Mario brings the excitement factor back, which neither Falcao or Cavani would have done to the same extent. It has the potential to be a Cantona to Manchester United-type signing.[/QUOTE]
+1 to all that. It’s almost a free transfer at that price, what a scoop by Brendan and Ayre.

I presume that Borini will be on his way to Sunderland so

@chewy louie

What do you make of the Balotelli signing?

Who else.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1004180, member: 24”]@chewy louie

What do you make of the Balotelli signing?[/QUOTE]
I’m not Chewy Louie, but he is easily the second best striker in world football right now… only slightly behind sturridge… It’s a no brainer, mate… S&M.

Now that I have seen the figures quoted (£16m & 90k a week), I am revising my opinion of this move. It’s definitely worth a punt for that kind of money and you would be hoping he would be slightly more mature than when he was at City.

well when you put it like that, it’s balotelli for 4m

[QUOTE=“Manuel Zelaya, post: 1004181, member: 377”]Who else.[/QUOTE]


He’s poison.

Borini > Balotelli

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1004180, member: 24”]@chewy louie

What do you make of the Balotelli signing?[/QUOTE]

For £16 millions I think it is a very good signing for Liverpool. Worse case scenario they will be able to offload him in a year/18 months recouping most of what they paid for him. He has the talent but his attitude is questionable to say the least. I think Brendan is the man to get the bets out of him.
When you consider the prices the likes of Ross McCormack and Shane Long went for it is well worth a punt

I hope you’ll go back and remove your disagree rating from my original post in early august on the transfer thread mate.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1004186, member: 2533”]Correct.

He’s poison.[/QUOTE]

what are you gonna call yourself when torres goes to roma and destro goes to chelsea ? maybe @sciajola

Destro ain’t going anywhere, baby.

you might even go with the inspiration for libanese; Franco Giuseppucci, Er Negro

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1004169, member: 183”]Super Mario has only just turned 24, which is around the same age Luis was when he joined. He’s already averaged just under one goal every two matches in his career to date, and if he only continues that strike rate, it’s still decent business, but I think that with good man management, which Brendan has shown he’s more than capable of providing, and the right environment, he’ll be a bigger success than that. We should get the prime years of his career.

Even if it doesn’t work, it’s only £16m, which is a pittance in today’s market. Weighing the potential upsides against the potential downsides, it’s a tremendous signing. The Liverpool support will be behind him from day one, and that will be a big help. Super Mario brings the excitement factor back, which neither Falcao or Cavani would have done to the same extent. It has the potential to be a Cantona to Manchester United-type signing.[/QUOTE]

When you look at the going rate for strikers and the £12 million or so that was reportedly paid for a failed former Tipperary hurler last week - £16 million for a humanitarian, a philanthropist but most importantly a proven goalscorer at the highest level represents an outstanding piece of business by Liverpool F.C.