Liverpool FC 2014/15


Questions have to be raised of Rodgers and his staff as defensive coaches.

Gerrard doesnā€™t play as a defensive midfielder. He plays as a quarter back type dictator of the play. He has never been a player to hold any type of traditional position. Heā€™s not disciplined enough.

You canā€™t have a quarterback in a soccer game. Just say he canā€™t defend.

Go shit in your hat.

[QUOTE=ā€œfarmerinthecity, post: 1019750, member: 24ā€]+1

Questions have to be raised of Rodgers and his staff as defensive coaches.[/QUOTE]
Parking the bus is easy :frowning:

Opposition just need to go on Gerrard. Test of man management to drop Gerrard and Lucas. Build midfield around Henderson and Can when fit.

Lucas is a sorry excuse for a footballer when you think of it.

When you think of how rafa treated alonso. He might never have left if it wasnā€™t for him

His reputation seems to have literally gone full circle. Pilloried by all and sundry when he first arrived for a couple of years then in a hipsterish fashion everyone started talking about the unseen work he did and how vital he was and what a huge loss he was when out injured. Now apparently heā€™s utter shit again.

Gareth Barry said that Rafa told him he wanted him to play WITH Alonso so youā€™d wonder.

Hilarious stuff from the Liverpool brigade on here tonight. Quarterbacks on the pitch, Sturridge better than Suarez, Come back please Alonso, Lucas is shit again, question marks over Rodgers.

Promises to be a hugely entertaining season as they struggle to finish in the top 6.

Without meaning to sound like an utter cunt which I know this comment will invoke, but, Lucas is a supplementary footballer, when you have a solid midfield and defensive unit who will have players alongside him who can use the ball efficiently then he can be very effective. Heā€™s got a good tactical understanding, he reads the game reasonably well and he can be tidy on the ball but he is not creative or overly athletic and Liverpoolā€™s midfield is utter garbage and lacking in real quality which means his limitations are badly exposed. Heā€™s need good midfielders beside him to perform to a high level, he doesnā€™t have that right now - he did when the likes of Alonso and Mascherano were there. Gerrard isnā€™t really a midfielder.

Lads,did ye win the passing today?

Thereā€™s a lot of lads at Liverpool at the minute who fit that description. I think either of the centre halves would be fine with a more competent partner beside them bossing them. The two are a disaster together though. although a lot of that undoubtedly stems from the complete lack of protection they get from midfield

Yeah, well, Iā€™m off to Spain for 9 days. Hup ta fuck.

Enjoy ya cuntā€¦I watched the pool match in Portugal with a bunch of lads that are still convinced they are going to win the league :slight_smile: great laugh though

Still??? We was never in the running ffs.

Why not ffs?! What kind of a farcical joke of a sporting tournament is it if a team who came second last year and came within one slip of winning it arenā€™t even in the running to win it the following year in the earliest stages. Fair enough the richest teams are most likely to win it but athletico in Spain last year proved that doesnā€™t have to always be the case.

Come back Luis we need you! He papered over some amount of cracks last season.

You were telling me a few weeks ago that Gerrard is the best player to ever play for Liverpool. (I sniggered obviously).

Gerrardā€™s penalties and the exceptional play of Suarez, Sturridge and latterly Sterling papered over the cracks in Gerrardā€™s game last year.

Heā€™s not good at the position he is now shoe-horned in. Rodgers and Gerrard himself probably see him as a Pirlo, deep lying playmaker. But, really, come on? Gerrard constantly gives away possession, and is very fond of these self-indulgent 60 yard cross field balls, where one in seven come off.

I watched a match recently, I think it was spurs which ye actually won, where the commentators said about 5 times in the first half ā€œa rare mistake there by Gerrardā€, making it hardly rare.

Gerrard was one of the best players in his position playing in behind the front man/men, but doesnā€™t have the legs for that anymore and wouldnā€™t hold a candle right now to Sterling. Heā€™s not good enough for that ā€œquarterbackā€ position and the sooner Liverpool realise this, put sentiment to one side, and drop him theyā€™ll be better for it.

Personally, I hope they keep playing him.