Liverpool FC 2015/2016

Boss tha

Itā€™s no longer a case of whether we win the league.

Itā€™s a case of by how much.

For those not aboard this bandwagon, thereā€™s still an oppurtunity to jump on. But get on it ASAP, because after this, itā€™ll be bigger than Elvis, the Beatles and Jesus put together.

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Iā€™m in.


I was always in. Liverpool, Limerick. Never fail to dissapoint

Eagerly awaiting Jimmy Liddellā€™s commentary.

Canā€™t wait until we stuff the Mancs.

Giving it bifters tonight.

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6 shots.

6 goals

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Ronald Koemanā€™s head must be chocka.

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Semi-final draw:
Everton v Manchester City
Stoke v Liverpool

An all-Merseyside final in store. :clap:

11-1. Get it while you can.

Be fun to quell this revolution. Rebel scum.

Not great so far

Not a patch on the 1996 classic for sure.
More like gegenpressing vs utterley depressing

Ibe has the touch of a headless chicken about him.

This is fucking terrible. Huge chance to cut the gap going abegging




Martin Skrtel take a bow

Goalscoring defender.

Thatā€™ll go down as an OG Iā€™d assume, looked to be going wide.