Liverpool FC 2015/2016


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Allen saves the day.


Well done sir



Cech should have saved that.

Let’s do these pussy cunts. One minute left.

Full-time: 3-3.

Fuck you Ian Wright, stick it up your bollox

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Only saw the second half really… That’s some result for a very, very average Liverpool team. I thought Arsenal were gonna murder them after they went ahead but credit to Liverpool they fought all day…in saying that, their passing was erratic and they had fuck all ideas on the ball… Henderson is stone cold useless, Ron Atkinson could sum Benteke up. Millner is a Ham. And Toure at CB :joy:

Needed Skertl, Coutinho and Sturridge back if they are to get near top 4.

Well deserved draw men.

Joe Allen mugged @tazdedub rightly off. :grinning:

Sturridge is finished.

Sturridge is fucked and Lovren is a better option than Skrtel.

I’ve a good feeling about Caulker, think he could be better option than Toure or Sakho.

I’m no fan of Skertel but there’s fuck all else there… Sturridge will start Saturday.

If Sturridge starts on Saturday I will resign from the forum.

He’ll start and score four on Sunday though.



I promise i) but not ii).

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He stood up though and defended well apart from 2nd goal which was more the keepers fault