Liverpool FC 2021/22

Simeone joins a long list of managers who has underestimated Anfieldā€™s special European nights.

Theyā€™re a cracking side when they decide to play.

Ox buzzing around the place like a young Jack Russell terrier

I think that says more about Madrid than Ox :joy:

Its a shame oxlaide chamberlain has become a caricature. He seems a decent sort and was a lovely player before he went to Liverpool

Wouldnā€™t be surprised if mane was hooked at half time. Hes on a yellow and the athletico lads are more interested in getting someone sent off to try and even it up

Ah he was very flaky at Arsenal too. Didnā€™t have much end product as a winger apart from the odd superb performance like against Milan in 2012. I thought it was bizarre at the time that both Liverpool and Chelsea were desperate to sign him in 2017 and Steven Gerrard was hyping him up. Felt heā€™d only ever amount to a squad player.

Itā€™s the hope that kills you

Mane has this annoying habit of inviting a tackle when on the ball. He should concentrate on moving the ball on and stop the fuck acting. Hopefully Klopp takes him off now.

Nat Phillips will get a day out in the San Siro yet with the B team.

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His best run on form was up to that injury in 2018. Felt like heā€™d found a club and manager who was getting the best out of him. Just hasnā€™t been the same since

Why did Suarez lose the rag after the first goal?

Because he is as close a thing to hanibal lecter as there is

Heā€™s nuts sure.

Jesus I forgot about that - it will be like looking at Baresi all over again for the home crowd. I canā€™t wait.


If we win this game do we top the group @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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If it stays as it is at the moment, Liverpool will have the group won with two games to go. Time for Divock to shine.

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Madness was it 2 yellows for not going to the ref. Definite yellow. I thought the ref was letting them kick mane for the whole game till then

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Leave him alone. Heā€™s too busy photocopying menus in the yacht club

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The Group of Death