Liverpool FC 2021/22

I do… Worked in Dell for a while when I was there years back.

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A crying shame that man had to earn a living at anything other than soccer. What a talent

Brady has a poor enough track record with Irish lads too.

I had heard one story about him and until recently it wasn’t enough to go on, but I heard a second one that he treated Irish lads harder than anyone else at Arsenal and used to look to sell them early or tell them they weren’t good enough and keep on English lads that weren’t as talented. These were from two lads who were at Arsenal at different times.

They can’t even look at him on the telly

I’d say you’d be doing well to find a decent sort between the lot of those lads in that photo. They look like a proper bunch of obnoxious cunts, truth be told

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McAteer always seemed like a genuine fella and got into soccer the hard way through non league. It didn’t happen for him until late enough that he remembered where he was from

Plenty of cunts in that photo. Aldridge, Lawrenson, Sammy Lee, Phil Thompson. Surprised Carragher wasn’t there. Aldridge always seemed a prick and not surprised. Beardsley was another one.

Actually, now that you mentioned it I remember bumping into him on the street in Liverpool when we were at a stag about 15 years ago and he did seem to be sound and very engaging

I’d say the sense of self worth was off the scale with all they’d won

Was it leinster league you ran in to the loi lads?

No, Waterford District league. Some ex-Waterford United / Kilkenny City gobshites

The whole culture back then was rotten tho. Akin to rubby today.

You must have been unlucky because you’d want to be some prick to souring lads for a few pound a week. They were probably getting a few bob per match and saw young lads as a threat.

They wouldn’t have got away with it in any team I was involved with Fran. I’d have snapped one of their legs

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I was a keeper, probably 19 or so, first year stepping up to play with the Premier team, we’d won the youth league 2 years previous, I was U18 again the following year but we weren’t as strong.

I was unlucky as the whole club was starting to rot really and it’s over 20 years ago but you’ll see from their current standings how far a historically successful club has fallen.

I was a quiet enough chap and as a keeper would never have gotten close enough to have a cut off the main protagonist. I wouldn’t mind but he was a 5 foot nothing townie cunt and would probably have shit himself if I went for him


wasn’t a fella by the name of Carr was it?

short ass carr was the townie cunt no doubt

Aldridge always seemed a right cunt. I’d say that era and team had a fair share of them too. Ronnie Whelan was my favourite player growing up, but I’d say he’s a bit of a prick.

It’s strange - the current crop of Liverpool players seem (and perhaps this is the power of the modern PR machine where a few Nivea-type promo charity videos create an illusion for us) a decent sort. I was watching some piece with Minamino, Mane and Naby lad sharing cuisine from their own countries. Beyond the stereotype of footballers making huge money and all that shite, they are just three relatively young lads living thousands of miles away from home who clearly miss their mammies.


The Liverpool greats of the 80s have sullied their reputation a good bit, the general perception being bitterness about missing out on the big money of the EPL era. The ones still hanging around scuppered Souness’ attempts to modernise as manager and were always sniping at Houllier and Rafa. Then you have Brucie and the match fixing, Rushie asset stripping lower league clubs, Houghton, Lawro and Whelan as jaded negative pundits.

I’d say that’s one of Klopp’s key criteria when he scouts a player. Wants good characters in the dressing room. The good spirit in the camp is very notable. Lads like Tsimikas and Minamino who rarely see game going mad on the sideline after a late winner.

Seems very different from the spice boys image of the 1990’s.


the culture is very different now than it was then obviously. time is invested in these chaps from a young age in the academy, they are taught how to behave as professional athletes early and are pampered from a early

compare that to a fella coming off the buildings at 17/18 into a team of hatchetment and cunts in the 80’s. You had to become a cunt fair quick yourself I’d say. Coming in to that macho drinking hard man English culture. Couldn’t be easy I’d say

