Liverpool FC 2021/22

Never forget

Bit much to be condemning Liverpool for a homecoming in 2022 when Juve had one themselves in 85.

And I wouldn’t condemn Juve for that either tbh. I can’t imagine anyone was thinking too straight.

bit much you supporting a team whose fans killed 39 people

May 29 should really be a day of reflection and commemoration for Liverpool fans. Not a day of celebration.


Mad to think this is our 5th Champions League final in my time supporting the club. We come in bursts. Spent almost 9 years between April 2009 and February 2018 without playing a single minute of knockout Champions League football. I wasn’t even sure if we’d ever again see these days. Jurgen has turned us all from doubters into believers.


It’s remarkable! The good times are back.

See you in Ratoath tomorrow mate.


They have no joy in their lives or their hearts

Special club, special fans


0:09 “Just pulling into France” :joy:

A proper blue chip final.

Liverpool and Real Madrid have won the European Cup between them 19 times. That’s more than a quarter of all 66 European Cups.


Thought Naby Lad was gonna injure himself running into the net there @anon67715551

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I’d say win or lose @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will be trying to load up a crew of us in the people carrier to head for the boat to Wales to gatecrash the homecoming in Liverpool.

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Can the patched up reds dare to dream?

Dua Lipa on repeat all morning. Today will be a great day . Up the Reds :muscle:t2:

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It’s the biggest game in world football. Hard to believe we’re there again.

I don’t know what a timing jar is. Is it like an egg timer? Nice of the Italian fella to come to Liverpool and get together with the club to parade the jars, all the same.

120 people booked into the local bar cc @Locke … Upstairs opened with 7 screens. They’re turning people away all week who are trying to book a table.

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Just gave the lawn a champions League cut there.