Liverpool Football Club 2013/14

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 938325, member: 1”]Liverpool playing the poor mouth never sits well with me. They’ve got a top 4 wage bill. They haven’t been shy about spending money and €170m on a team is an extravagant sum.

Chelsea are showing “respect” to just about everybody these days by parking the bus. They did the same against Atletico who rarely dominate possession in their games but had 70% odd against Chelsea. It’s more a reflectionon Mourinho’s lack of faith in the creativity in his team (particularly without Hazard) then any compliment to Liverpool.[/QUOTE]

id agree with that… this " a lot to be proud of " bullshit is annoying, its not a local junior b football championship, one company ( Chelsea PLC) has more capital and as a result more resources and better skilled employees than the smaller company ( Liverpool PLC). the “park the bus” bullshit is even more nauseating, so what, the chelsea business strategy is not to take risks when the stakes are high, as a result being conservative has helped them in this situation, that’s all, anyone who reads to much into it or takes offense is a retard

Source bro?

He’s a good player but he would cost a fortune given that he is English. Better value to be found elsewhere.

I’d agree completely with that.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 938364, member: 24”]Source bro?

He’s a good player but he would cost a fortune given that he is English. Better value to be found elsewhere.[/QUOTE]
Daily telegraph this morning.

I have to agree with Rocko and mickey here. Basically Chelsea set Liverpool a challenge on Sunday to come and break them down if they can, Liverpool couldn’t and that’s all it is. This showing respect shit is just fans trying to gloss over some of the flaws in the liverpool team and squad.

Still it’s been a great season for the club but we are still a bit short on players and tactics. Hopefully Rogers will be given the money to strengthen the squad.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 938325, member: 1”]

Chelsea are showing “respect” to just about everybody these days by parking the bus. They did the same against Atletico who rarely dominate possession in their games but had 70% odd against Chelsea. It’s more a reflectionon Mourinho’s lack of faith in the creativity in his team (particularly without Hazard) then any compliment to Liverpool.[/QUOTE]
The same lack of faith in the creativity of his team that he showed when he had Cristiano Ronaldo, Mesut Ozil, Angel Di Maria, Kaka, Xabi Alonso, Karim Benzema, Gonzalo Higuain and Marcelo at his disposal?

did Ronaldo not have the record for goals back then and Madrid not create a new record for amount of goals scored in a season when Mourinho was in charge? …and I think ozil had the highest amount of assists in the top 5 European leagues too…

It’s very difficult to breakdown Chelsea when they setup like that. The goal before half time meant that they were always going to sit deep. I felt he should have hooked Lucas early in the 2nd half as Chelsea attempted little in attack and he offers very little going forward.

Liverpool played extremely narrow with Johnson in particular cutting in constantly with the ball instead of attempting to stretch them and create gaps. The only way to beat that system is either get lucky with long range pot shots as Gerrard tried, or play your wingers and wing backs as wide as possible and switch over and back looking for openings. Liverpool were constantly trying to force it down the middle which didn’t work and had no plan B. The strategy should have been to get to the endline and pull it back and hope SAS could get a leg on it. Liverpool’s best chances came from those situations.

Chelsea were admirable in defence and I can’t even remember them giving Liverpool so much as a free in a scoreable position. That is an art in itself and while it might not be pretty who gives a fuck.

And they were only too happy too park the bus in the big European ties they played, and in pretty much every match against Barcelona.

playing against the best passing team ever, its not really a slight in fairness …unfortunately the likes of Pepe , Ramos and Marcelo didn’t have the discipline or concentration to see it out… usually one of them got sent off…Chelsea players deserve great credit for the way they did it on sunday…everyone was calling Ancellotti a genius for doing likewise against Bayern in the Bernabeau last wednesday…like someone else said its a skill in itself…

[QUOTE=“tazdedub, post: 938368, member: 312”]
Still it’s been a great season for the club but we are still a bit short on players and tactics. Hopefully Rogers will be given the money to strengthen the squad.[/QUOTE]
Next season is our year?

I can’t work out if you’re being sarcastic or not. Please clarify.


Don’t believe cunts are still banging on about Chelsea’s tactics last Sunday… They dished out a beating, move on.

Go on the toffees

We go again.


We need 6/7 here.

Win first and then go for it.

Wasting chances already