Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

Water charges exempt tonight.

Liverpool will win this by three or four goals over both legs

An Italian fan of nadal would be well qualified to judge

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Whys noone attacking that? Fucking dream cross

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Relax mate. They will

A proper 9 would have been in there.

He attacked the near post. Vvd was on his heels.

Young milner getting warmed up

Madrid must do hours and hours of patterns in training. Their shift across and communication of when to go is text book good.

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Italian football is actually one of the leagues with the most integrity, loads of drug cheats got exposed when they came to Italy which begs the question why wasn’t it the case when they were playing elsewhere?

Nadal is also the tennis player with the most integrity when it comes to the questions of doping. He is the one of the big 3 who has always looked like he is mortal, who has had his body break down and has had to suffer hugely to get to where he is, the one player who had to readjust his game because his body could not handle it any more. The other guys just keep on playing the same type of game with little to no fall off in their physical levels.


Ooooft taxi for that Smithers creep

Mane is a great bit of stuff

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They have Liverpool struggling more than most.

They are covering savage ground though so will they be able to keep it up?

They aren’t, they are only pressing when liverpool get to a certain area.

If you watch they are closing off small amounts of space. The two widest midfielders are covering most ground going from in to out on the switch. They might be first off

Every time Liverpool switch it the whole Atletico team moves a bit. Very hard to keep that up

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Filth by Correa

They’ve parked the bus. They’ll be doing well to hold them out for another 45 minutes though

That always happens, they shift together. No more than 10 yards. The wide man is bombing out 15-20 yard sprints. The rest are shifting diagonally at 45 degrees not tiring at all, physically. Mentally it is

Spanish teams are absolutely filthy cheating diving bastards

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Rolling around all night the cunts