Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

Would expect nothing else from Kloppo and Liverpool Football Club


Decent statement. Lads virtue signalling about this is a bit crass though

Exactly. Lads here are engaging themselves in a big circle jerk over a man speaking common sense

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That’s a Liverpool fc thing. Bizarre obsession with this sort of stuff. Look at the money they try make off hillsborough every year. What did they expect Klopp to say? We need to keep playing even if some of the players are dying ? Ffs


You don’t seem to have any problem as part of the horsey set with the Gambling/Bookmaker lobby ensuring that Cheltenham went ahead this week. Hope you partied well over in the Cotswolds while people were getting infected and dying.


It was up to the government

Are you self isolating since you got back from your jaunt to Cheltenham?

More lies


It won’t be anyway. It will be played off at some point

Great post

I hope it will be for your sake. I truly do. You deserve this.

He was trying to put a brave face on earlier, bless his little would-be scouse head


The avid Liverpool fan I sit next to in work called it this morning. Jose always fucks Liverpool. I get great enjoyment out of winding him up but hes not wrong


Pretend IRA member @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy taking his lead on Cheltenham this week from the British government.

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is Green Party mate



I don’t think this is a moment where the thoughts of a football manager should be important, but I understand for our supporters they will want to hear from the team and I will front that.

First and foremost, all of us have to do whatever we can to protect one another. In society I mean. This should be the case all the time in life, but in this moment I think it matters more than ever.

I’ve said before that football always seems the most important of the least important things. Today, football and football matches really aren’t important at all.

Of course, we don’t want to play in front of an empty stadium and we don’t want games or competitions suspended, but if doing so helps one individual stay healthy - just one - we do it no questions asked.

If it’s a choice between football and the good of the wider society, it’s no contest. Really, it isn’t.

Today’s decision and announcement is being implemented with the motive of keeping people safe. Because of that we support it completely. We have seen members of teams we compete against become ill. This virus has shown that being involved in football offers no immunity. To our rival clubs and individuals who are affected and to those who later will become so, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

None of us know in this moment what the final outcome will be, but as a team we have to have belief that the authorities make decisions based on sound judgement and morality.

Yes, I am the manager of this team and club and therefore carry a leadership responsibility with regards to our future on the pitch. But I think in the present moment, with so many people around our city, the region, the country and the world facing anxiety and uncertainty, it would be entirely wrong to speak about anything other than advising people to follow expert advice and look after themselves and each other.

The message from the team to our supporters is only about your well-being. Put your health first. Don’t take any risk. Think about the vulnerable in our society and act where possible with compassion for them.

Please look after yourselves and look out for each other.

You’ll Never Walk Alone,


Neither of you must have a good memory given that Liverpool routinely fucked him in his first spell at Chelsea and got him sacked from Manchester United. 2014 is pretty much the only proper big game he’s beaten Liverpool in.

Knocked him out by the smallest of margins twice in the semi of the CL in his first 3 years. Mustn’t have gone down well