Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

Agreed he was some torn in Liverpools side for years. Iā€™m getting great entertainment out of my colleague seething at every speed bump in Liverpools way. Iā€™ve accepted the fact that Liverpool will win the league. Killing me tbf. But the weekly wind up of him is great

I hope youā€™ll be self isolating for a few weeks after trading bodily fluids with thousands of people over the last few days

Iā€™m self isolating as one of my friends who was with us last weekend has the symptoms.

Klopp says the most blatantly obvious thing ever and the murderers are inawe of it


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Looks like the league will be null and void !:joy::joy::joy:.

And no harm in doing so. More important things than watching a bunch of men in shorts running around a field.

Safety first . Should have been pulled two months ago , the other teams were clearly concerned about the pandemic, liverpool took full advantage of that . Turned into a farce of a competition in the finish . Best just starting it again .

Any youā€™ve spent a few days in Cheltenham since last weekend? If you were in North Korea, youā€™d be shot.

Sounness and Carragher are shameful. Basically saying you have to give the title to Liverpool and Leeds yet not relegate teams.

Sean Sean Sean


What a guy Robbo is. One of the greats, on and off the pitch.

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Heā€™s no sheamie Coleman

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Its been established on tfk that he is a cunt. He canā€™t buy his way out of it qith a few tins of beans the cheap cunt. Zaha is giving the nhs his gaffs.



:smile: :smile:

Box. Office.


Magnificent :joy:

No Iā€™m afraid heā€™s still a prick