Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

Very. Madrid beat them

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They are paying the difference to the employees. No employee will be out of pocket.

20% for fuck sake. The British taxpayer is paying 80%

If they didn’t have to compete with financial dopers this wouldn’t have happened. They’re on a tight budget.

Any sign of Liverpool superfan @Thomas_Brady?

He doesn’t log on here in his own time.





Out of credit on his phone


Its the commercial reality of having a business that no longer receives any revenue. The alternative is to lay people off. They are not being laid off they are being furloughed, a UK government scheme that has been put in place to specifically prevent PAYE staff from being made redundant.

They still might be laid off if there is still no soccer by the end of the summer. If that’s the case then the UK Government has a decision to make, whether to extend the furlough period. I would imagine there will be a stream of other clubs taking a similar course of action over the next week.

EPL clubs get something like 13% of their revenue from gate receipts. The likes of Liverpool and spuds would have even bigger sponsorship deals and thus even smaller % from gate receipts than the likes of Burnley or whoever. Very opportunistic stuff from them to be saving what again is a tiny amount of money in the grand scheme of things and foisting it onto the tax payer.

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I usually only post on my employer’s time but that’s shitty from the club. The manager and senior players are all involved heavily with trying to get all EPL players to take a pay cut but the American owners have gone and followed the yid model here.

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It was actually @the_man_himself crowd, Newcastle who were the trailblazers here.

Pigs like @Locke and @anon67715551 bemoaning EPL clubs putting this on the tax payer. EPL players and staff contribute over 1bn in taxes every year while plenty of multinationals funnel their profits out of the UK to avoid taxes.

My crowd? Mike Ashley is a scumbag. You named yourself after the lad that did it at Spurs, still better than the time you named yourself after a wife beater I suppose

Wouldn’t expect anything less from that UUCOAM Ashley

Very disappointed in FSG here. The supporters will make their anger be heard on this.

If not, they’ll head over to Boston, and murder, piss on , steal from FSG

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As I pointed out the other day, a well run club like Spurs have contributed more in tax to the UK Government over the past 5 years than any other club in the EPL. A world record profit of ÂŁ113 million in 2018 eclipsing the world record profits of ÂŁ106 million posted just a few weeks earlier by Liverpool, another well run club.

Compare that to the financial doping pair of Manchester City and Chelsea. In most recent financial statements, Manchester City posted profits of just ÂŁ10 million and Chelsea a staggering loss of ÂŁ96 million. The Plastic Franchises not paying their way in taxes.

Very disappointing to see. The owners of Spurs and Liverpool should be ashamed of themselves.