Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

Sorry to hear that mate. Were you meant to be going?

Not booked or anything so itā€™s not too bad

Ok. Not bad at all really. I withdraw my empathy. In other news, Iā€™m not able to go to Armenia right now.

do you have elderly family in Armenia pining to see their daughter & grandkids?

That was convenient

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No. They are quite a reserved people and donā€™t show emotion as readily. Itā€™s an Armenian thing.
Iā€™ve reinstated a bit of empathy but withheld some based on the cloying nature of your last post. Youā€™re on half rations of empathy so to speak.


Always the victims mate

Juhy witholding empathy

Armenians? They got hit with a genocide alright. @Rockoā€™s lot did em.

Who was that in the photo mate? Be interested to get their views on Inov8 as a road runner. Would usually associate them with the mountains

Edit: I think the wrong photo was uploaded and edited. Say no more.

Itā€™s a saffer mate of mine, his photo came through the WhatsApp as I was putting up the other one.

Iā€™ll ask him, but heā€™s an off road runner

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Would make sense that he is wearing Inov8 so . No need to ask him.

The British gov are pushing hardest for EPL to return. I notice youā€™re silent on the Germans who are back next week. If you want football back in the next two years youā€™ll have to deal with the odd case of virus popping up among staff or players. Thatā€™s gonna be the same for every walk of life. So you plan for that and get on with it or we go 2/3 years without sport.


3rd player thatā€™s tested positive now.

The conspiracy theorists of the INTERNET reckon this is all a lie to have the season cancelled. Brighton are currently in the relegation places.

The testers are obviously united fans. From Ireland

Liverpool fans going deranged on twitter claiming Brighton are making up the test results. VOID THE LEAGUE

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Throw up a few for a laugh.

Shur, theyve won the league either way, UEFA recommending fair play so a point per game.

The British gov are pushing for it back. The league too . Very hard to see them voiding it and then looking to go in 3 months, the same issues will be there. I said it last week, you come up with your plan and go with it or hold off two years.

The same with GAA, if they canā€™t go in July/August then they canā€™t go in October.

Lads fooling themselves that the issues will all be resolved in time for a new season.

Liverpool being champions is not the issue. Itā€™s the 3 clubs going down that is the issue. And who gets into Europe.

Correct. Relegation is the main issue.