Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

Iā€™d be able to die a contended man if they were denied the league. All the death, suffering, mental anguish and economic carnage would have been well well worth it.

Liverpool FC has lads driven absolutely demented.

Itā€™s fascinating to watch.

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Funny part about it is in an irish context the whole thing is based around stale banter and the ability to slag the lads from work or the brother in law or wind people up on the internet. It matters not a single shite to any Irish fella with a brain and the current scenario has shown this up completely.

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Ultimately nothing matters. Once you realise that you are free.

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Ah it matters a bit if youā€™re from there or have some connection

How much would you say this matters to you, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being very much so

If 1 is it wonā€™t make even the slightest difference to my life and 10 is itā€™ll give me a bad minded kick to see the likes of my brother in law whoā€™s forever blowing shite about klopp and the scientific approach of the fenway sports group get upset then id have to say a bit of both.

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Hard to argue with that

I take it back :disappointed_relieved:

Mattie Williams with the scoop that the Premier League is to be finished over in Australia :smile:

Brighton player tested positive.

They need to void it and hopefully can get back in 2022ā€¦ thereā€™s no way it returns in August if it canā€™t finish this season in June.

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We are unable to go home

Mental if epl teams were allowed

Proper order. I think thereā€™ll be a 2021/22 season but anything before that should be null and voided


If this happens , Iā€™ll stop my interest and postings on EPL matters. Greed, greed, greed.

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Who made the decision at Liverpool not to close the stadium for the athletico Madrid game

Not to mind the environmental costs of flying all the EPL over to Australia

Iā€™m sure they have enough money to carbon offset it

British government were continuing with their policy of burying their head in the sand and life going on as normal.

Yes. Explains why it wasnā€™t cancelled

Klopp screaming at fans not to shake players hands but didnā€™t want the game played behind closed doors

Liverpool fan in ā€˜it was someone elseā€™s faultā€™ SHOCKER.