Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

How can three parties be twinned ???

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Well twinned to both clubs but maybe all 3 are linked together. Not sure if the ins and outs of it.

No idea. I don’t follow the League of Scotland. There’s plenty here who do though, who could probably answer that one for you.

A double adapter

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80 posts in the last few hours. Never realised Liverpool were playing tonight.

I dont like misinformation my friend.

Who are the frauds.
You seem to be casting aspersions of people here.

Even if you just buy a replica Jersey you support a club as some of the money goes to said club.

Nope. You are a customer

Not really if buying from JD sports ect you are that shops customer who is still supporting a club with a monetary donation going the clubs way.

I’ve found myself facepalming more than usual tonight.

Just watching out for you, wouldn’t like to see you get caught up in this carry on

You’re a good man Fran. Thankfully my zen is absolute.

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Just a bit of advice.

Stop trolling and looking for a reaction your making a tit of yourself.

You may as well open the back door and roar at the sky pal


What the fook is this term footix suppose to be

It’s what he does,it makes him happy. And if he’s happy leave him at it. He seems to find his happiness and cheap likes on a Liverpool thread.

“This has been the most one-sided top-flight campaign in history. Now Liverpool are poised to finish the job”

Is that the Pearce fella again? They’re throwing out offers for cut-rate subscriptions lately but that how do they expect anyone to pay for that sort of simpleton shite

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It’s not great at all. Maybe the American sports stuff is decent but apart from odd interesting tactical analysis article I find it poor enough.