Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

ruh roh

Minamino also :astonished:

Oh jesus.

The ‘A’ team out tonight bud

Benteke is going to take big Virgil apart tonight

Be very interesting if they lose … a few lads here will literally jizz all over themselves


Yes, very interesting. They might win the league by 15 points rather than 18


Well they’ve city up after that… So it might be 12 instead of 15.

It’ll be about about 10 points in at end of season. City will win every game left

Possibly. It still won’t be interesting at any point

The youngfellas will be out there once it’s wrapped up.

:joy: :joy: Ain’t happening mate

Poetry in motion …

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A solid display by the Redmen tonight.
This means more.
Good to see some game time for young Neco and ‘Arvey.


No one really gives a shit lads

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Unbelievable . … . Phenomenal … what a night.

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Greatest team in history of English football. That lead over that City side is silly.

There won’t be a corpse pissed on in Croxeth tonight

How far ahead of the best team in the league are they?