Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

Is the probability of scoring hypothetical penalties factored in here?

Scored 2 and missed 2.

So they’d lose no points and be top. Bit pointless in the whatifery stakes

I’ll have another look. I was on a teams call when I was browsing transfer markt.

Stonewall penalties that the opposition weren’t awarded would have to be factored into any matrix as well. The West Bromwich Albion penalty award that was incorrectly overturned at Old Trafford would be a particularly obvious one there.

Your thinking linearly. The analysis needs to be broadened to penalties awarded against, offside calls, admissions of institutional bias by referees and comparison of agents fees.

The all important net spend league table as well.

Has anyone done stats on how much points each team would have if they didn’t take any corners?

This is all quite ridiculous

Footix alert @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Whatever the outcome of Sunday’s mega clash, it’s safe to say @BruidheanChaorthainn has given the TFK scousers a right good chasing in the past few days, well played @BruidheanChaorthainn, well played son.


The TFK Mancs have won this round.

It’s great to see the United posters get their swagger back. All we need now is @dodgy_keeper to pop his head up. He’s probably waiting till Ole and the lads put us to the sword Sunday

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United are back.

When is Champions League back ?

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We post where we want, we post where we want, fuck off @tazdedub we post where we want


tenor (2)

Live pictures from the TFK scouse supporters meeting in the back office of the Ratoath Inn

you could take any stereotype you want (except Manchester) and fit it to United.

More United fans than Citeh fans in Manchester pal.

What I’d give to be back in the Ratoath Sunday in my Liverpool jersey.

I’m fierce down about it. :pensive:



good man - is there a trophy for that?