Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

He’s got two on target now. More than Firmino, Salah, Mane combined over the past three games probably

Irish scum, yere all the same.

TAA is just bad at crossing the ball

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A Liverpool legend. I have a soft spot for him. I used to have one too for West Hams Tony Cottee when I was ten

and shooting

Liverpool are a hard watch at the minute.

I’ll never see Liverpool score a goal again I’d say.

Burnley are going to be wrecked from heading the ball away

Shaqiri one of the few around the box not losing his shit altogether

They’ve been doing that for the past five years. They’ll be grand

Origi you bollix

Unlucky, did everything right

Was going for perfection. The Divock way.

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Ah he missed Laz :joy::see_no_evil::blue_heart:


He’s creating chances to be fair to him

Sums up Liverpool’s lack of luck lately. Those were going in for Divock 2 years ago.

Ox has been bollOX

Trent very close there with the FK

Forgot the cunt was even playing

He won’t be togging for second half surely