Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021


Yeah to rest him for next game obviously

Money needs to be kept back for Mbappe.

Ok I’m down with that.

Nearly 40 points between them :joy: :joy: :joy:

He’s the Klavan of Lancashire.

Imagine the memes and general hilarity if united were in this situation and this is who they ended up with.

Liverpool have a history of buying diamonds in the rough. This lad would cost more only his contract is up in the summer. Was off to Celtic on a free. He will do a job

It’s amazing teams don’t push up the price on them a bit when they know they’re desperate

What diamonds in the rough have they bought for that cheap though?

Not as cheap but Andy Robertson for £8m (the same price that Kevin Stewart went the other direction) springs to mind.

I’d imagine for a team around mid-table in the championship, 2 million now is a much better prospect than fuckall in the summer, especially when Liverpool are sending them a loanee centre half

Not that many when you think about it though. They’ve definitely been brilliant in the transfer market in recent years but very few really cheap lower league type signings. Centre half is a hard one too any mistake will be pounced on by everyone.

Fee now down to £1.6 million

Liverpool geggenpressing them


Kloppo and Millie went down and just buzzed off them til they gave back a few quid.

Only 500k up front.

Christ but the Yanks are penny pinchers.

Looks like Lovren Mk 2 will be staying in Marseille.

Not really, shur you said yourself Utd are one of the biggest clubs in the world with unlimited funds. Liverpool are a sell to buy club when it comes to big purchases and can’t live with the Manchester franchises or Chelsea