Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

Here’s a list from Wiki, I’d say it’s not the worst strike rate. None of them came with much profile or expectation really. Sukur was the only one really

The list of Ukrainians below them has some major belly flops. Sergei Rebrov must be in the top 5 of all time

Zinchenko the most successful import of that lot?

Granted - he’s had to fashion a career in completely the wrong position, but it still counts


Were all terrible anyway so he probably wins by default. Yarmolenko is doing alright as well to be fair. Never heard of the Coventry lad

Unsal, another Blackburn Turk, fucking hell!!!

Outside of England - the country with the most EPL winning players is France, 27 players winning 55 premier league medals. Ireland is fifth with 5 players winning 22 medals.

Keane, Irwin, Duff, OShea,


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I struggled with the last one too, I’d have never got it

Ah yeah…



unless there’s 6.

It’s a lad that was a sub so?

Gibson won one too.

correct. I don’t think Kenna did

They dont include Kenna, he didn’t play enough games.

I was gonna say him alright , did he?

He did. What a big useless waste of fucking talent he was.

We had some amount of cunts like that.

He’ll be a delight.


He will be like a new signing in 2021/22