Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

I wouldnā€™t get on a plane with Naby Lad given the luck he has

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13 goals in 94 appearances for Liverpool isnā€™t a great goalscoring return from Ox either. Flatters to deceive. Naby lad arrived with a big reputation.

Eamonn Sweeney defended Klopp and said that heā€™s confident Klopp will be smiling again by the seasons end.

Sweeney is a windbag

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He must be shitting himself so.

Heā€™s a dramatist alright but he seems to like Liverpool. Better than Dion Fanning (who Paul Galvin bizarrely championed in his autobiography).

Dion was well connected with Benitez but a lot of his articles were a rehash of threads on the RAWK forum.

I thought he used to be quite sarcastic/condescending about Benitez and Liverpool in his Sunday column but Iā€™m basing that on vague memories of what he wrote.

The RAWK forum is truly a bizarre place. It makes the Limerick lads winning the All Ireland through the medium of PMs look like childā€™s play.

Some of the essays on there put the threads on US politics on here in the hā€™apenney place.

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I havenā€™t read RAWK but the Bluemoon forum seems like a very bitter place. The Man City fans on there do not appear nice.

U wan sum?

While Iā€™m no supporter of Sweeneyā€™s heā€™s not wrong about this Keita lad.
Heā€™s out of his depth and in the wrong league. Heā€™s more suited to Barnsley or Macclesfield.
In short: a dud.

Heā€™s not really, heā€™s actually decent and effective when he gets on the pitch for 25 minutes per season

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Heā€™ll win player of the year next year.

Klopp wasnā€™t in Germany and there was no fight. You need a new source.

Naby lad has travelled and trained.

Dion was a big Rafa fan.

Anyone watching that sick note at Arsenal could have told you heā€™s no good. Excellent in patches but no long term form at club level anywhere.

He is and Iā€™m rightā€¦ Iā€™m always right

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