Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

Last forumite to worship at the altar of EPL I’d wager

We knew goin up there that we’d be in for a very competitive game. It was still in the balance until late on and we managed to pull away in the end

Lincoln are putting in savage work at underage level


It leads on to one of the great trivia questions. On their European campaign that year Real only conceded three goals. Both were to players with the same surname. Alan Kennedy in the final and Des Kennedy scored both home + away vs them in the 1st round for Limerick.

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Inter Milan scored in the San Siro dude.

Alison, Thiago, Milner and Hendo doubts for tonight … If Alison is out then it’s advantage Arsenal. The last time Adrian played for the A team he let in a couple of howlers v A. Madrid.



some real cutting edge analysis from the footix here

“If liverpool star player doesnt play they arent a good as when he does play”


Like clockwork :laughing:

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footix so easily rattled :joy:





What have they spent since then? Half a billion? A billion?

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A quick google shows they’re over the 1billion euro mark.

These figures from last year suggest the ninth highest spend on transfers in Europe.

But as we all know well, they’re the net spend kings of Europe.

It’s so easy :joy::joy:



Plays half a game and he’s fucked…

Thiago = Darren Anderton

Is he injured or regraded to play a bit of junior football before returning up to speed in senior?