Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

An old Ger Loughnane ploy

Oh yeah, any manager would be delighted to be tonked 7-2 by fucking Villa!

He won’t be showing the whitened gnashers tonight

We handed their holes on a plate. UTV. Sorry for your loss

This and the NPHET arseholes have really ruined Sunday night redzone

A gracious congrats from the Scouse contingent on here. We go again.

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Stage 4 at least

Some of us are stage 5 rattled after that result

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Jesus Roy Keane’s comments last week destroyed Klopp. Some vindication for Roy.


Alisson going to be out for some time

well be 4-8 when he gets back — Klopp has some job on his hands now. Be a miracle to turn this around … and @EstebanSexface saying Liverpool never got injuries … Hendo was injured last night also.

Klopp worked the oracle to get this Liverpool side the honours they did. He should have left at the end of the season. There were no more worlds for him to conquer.

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A back to back would be nice. Something even the likes of Arsenal have never done.

Current injury/ Covid List

Hendo (just coming back)
Ox (always fucking injured)

Who am I missing?

Shaq probably heading off today.

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed

Would you chance him in goals?

Too small.

Good with his feet though.

Can’t reach the crossbar