Liverpool Football Club 2022/23

The look on his face says it all really.

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asides from all the lip reading, facial recognition and body language empaths on here, is Henderson in big trouble? Is there anything concrete yet?


Henderson needs Liverpool to stand by him now.


This is troubling.

you reckon there is substance to it?

I haven’t looked into it tbh. I’ve only seen references to it here mainly.

A statement due shortly I believe.

Gabriel is insisting he heard something on the pitch.

I sense a backtrack coming shortly

I’d say Hendo told him to come back to him when he’s won a Champions League and Prem.

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The fear on the Ox’s face knowing Henderson is behind him and will say something…

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He told him he was slow.

It’s pacist.

The fear is that his sicknote has run out and he needs to start contributing.

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Kony lad :clap::clap::clap:

Darwin will do untold


Henderson :astonished: